How to set your Ascend desktop

Written By Ascend knowledge base (Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Table of Contents

Your Ascend desktop is your key to everything Ascend. The tiles are completely customizable, so you can create a layout that fits your specific needs.

  1. Open the Ascend app. You are prompted to login.
    Screenshot of the Ascend log in screen
  2. Select your username from the User dropdown menu and type your password. You can also check the Punch In box if it is the beginning of your shift. Then click Login.
    Screenshot of the Ascend log in screen with the box next to Punch In checked out
  3. This takes you to the Ascend desktop.
    If it’s your first time logging into Ascend, your desktop will have a default layout that displays all the tiles you have access to, depending on your User Permissions. Any changes to the layout are specific to you - so your changes won’t affect your coworkers’ desktops and you’ll see the same layout anywhere you sign into Ascend in your shop.
    Screenshot of the Ascend desktop
  4. To edit the tiles, right-click on your mouse anywhere on the Ascend desktop and select Unlock Desktop from the dropdown menu.
    Screenshot of the Ascend desktop with the cursor next to Unlock Desktop
    Your desktop background turns black, indicating that the desktop is in “editing mode” and the tiles are inactive.
    Screenshot of the Ascend desktop with a black background
  5. Click - and hold the click! - on tiles to drag and drop them to a different area of the screen. You can easily arrange all your tiles in a way that makes the most sense for you.
    Screenshot of the Ascend desktop with a black background. An arrow is pointing to a greyed out icon
  6. Right-click on a tile to change its color or size.
    1. If you click Resize you can choose from:
      • Small - the default for most tiles
      • Wide - which is the size of two small tiles side-by-side
      • Large - which is a box the size of four small tiles
        Screenshot of three sizes of icons
    2. If you click Change Tile Color in the same menu, you can choose from:
      • Light blue
      • Dark blue
      • Green
      • Orange
      • Slate
        Screenshot of 5 icons in various sizes and colors
  7. You can hide tiles if your desktop is feeling too cluttered. Just right-click on a tile and select Hide Tile in the menu to remove that tile from your desktop.
    Screenshot of dropdown with Hide Tile selected
    If you accidentally hide a tile you want to see, right-click on a blank part of the screen, go to Show Tile, and select the tile you want to add to your desktop.
    Screenshot of dropdown with Show Tile selected. Another dropdown next to it is open
  8. Once your tiles are set, right-click on a blank part of the window and select Lock Desktop

If you know you’ll need to access a certain area of Ascend occasionally - but you don’t want to see the tile - take a look at the menus on the upper left part of the screen. Everything that can be accessed with tiles can be accessed here.

Screenshot highlighting the menu bar

You can add product, customer, or vendor information, and any transaction type, under Create.

Everything in Database Explorer can be opened directly under the View menu. For example, when you select View > Customers, Ascend opens the Customer area of Database Explorer.

Additional Resources
