All about Fast Login (Force Login or Forced Login)

Written By Ascend knowledge base (Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Fast Login (also known as Force Login) is a feature that requires Users to log into Ascend when accessing certain areas of the program. This feature is especially useful for high-traffic workstations that multiple staff members are going to be sharing and using during the work day.

Fast Login makes it easy to quickly switch from one User to another, and properly attribute Sales, Work Orders, and more to the right staff member - so you'll get credit for things that affect your commission (if your store uses commission) and your coworkers can easily see who to follow up with, when needed.

Using Fast Login

  1. Select an affected area of Ascend (such as the Add Sale tile on the Ascend desktop).
  2. The Fast Login popup opens.
    Screenshot of Ascend main page with a pop up in front of it. The pop up is labeled Fast Login with a box for Password and buttons for Login and Cancel.
  3. Simply enter your password and select Enter on your keyboard.
  4. If you typed your password incorrectly, the box stays open and is highlighted in red. You can immediately re-type your password correctly and hit Enter again. 
    Screenshot of Fast Login pop up with the password box highlighted red.


The Fast Login popup does not display usernames, which makes it harder for people to guess your password. This keeps your system safer and more secure.

Set up Fast Login

  1. Navigate to Options > General.
  2. Check the box for Force Login.
    Screenshot of the Options window and General is highlighted. The box is checked and highlighted next to Force Login
  3. Select OK or Apply to save your changes.


Fast Login is a workstation-specific settings, which affects any user using that specific workstation. If you turn on Forced Login at one computer, it will not affect the other computers in your shop (unless they are using the same workstation name. See article Set up workstation names

What areas are affected when Fast Login is active?

Many areas of Ascend require you to login when Fast Login is active on the workstation. Here are some common areas that you should be prepared to log into when Fast Login is active. This list is not comprehensive.

  • Add Sale
  • Add Work Order
  • Add Quote
  • Add Reservations
  • Add Vendor Order (Purchase Order, Supplier Order)
  • Database Explorer
  • Reservation Center
  • Service Center
  • Reports
  • Options
  • Backup Database
  • Check In/Check Out Transfers
  • Purchase on Account
  • Import Customer/Products
  • Export Customers/Products
