Manually process a credit card or gift card payment

Written By Ascend knowledge base (Administrator)

Updated at December 28th, 2023

Table of Contents

Note: Debit cards must be swiped to process as a debit payment and cannot be entered manually.

Manually processing payments bypasses the security built into your Ingenico payment device and makes you liable for any fraud complaints.

Credit Card

  1. From the Payment toolbar, click the Credit button.
  2. Click the Manual button.
  3. In the Amount field, enter the amount the customer wishes to pay.
  4. In the Card Number field, enter the customer’s credit card number.
  5. From the Card Type drop-down, select the appropriate card type.
  6. In the Exp. Date field, enter the expiration date for the customer’s credit card. Enter the date in the format MM/YY (e.g. 12/20).
  7. In the Security Code field, enter the card verification code from the customer’s credit card.
    Note: This code may be displayed as a CVV or CVC.
  8. In the Street Address field, enter the house number for the customer’s credit card billing address (e.g. for 5555 Anywhere St., enter 5555).
  9. In the ZIP field, enter the zip/postal code for the customer’s credit card billing address.
  10. Click the Process button.
  11. If the address entered does not exactly match the billing address on file for the customer’s credit card, the Credit Card Validation Response prompt displays. Verify the customer’s billing address was entered correctly.
  12. If the address is correct and you are comfortable continuing with the transaction, click Complete.
  13. If the address was not entered correctly or you are concerned the charge may be fraudulent, click Void. The charge is removed, and the balance remains due.
  14. If the customer overpaid on the transaction, the Change Due dialog box displays. Click OK to return cash to the customer.

Gift Card

  1. From the Payment toolbar, click the Gift Card button.
  2. The Amount field is automatically populated with the amount due on the transaction. If the amount the customer wishes to use is different, enter that amount instead.
  3. In the Gift Number field, enter the number from the customer’s gift card.
  4. If the gift card lists an expiration date, enter it in the Exp. Date field.
  5. Click the Process button.
  6. If the customer overpaid on the transaction, the Change Due dialog box displays. Click OK to return cash to the customer.
