Add a customer

Written By Ascend knowledge base (Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Note: Always search for variations of the customer's name, including misspellings, before adding them.

Getting started

Add from a transaction: From the Select Customer dialog box, click Add (on the toolbar).

Screenshot of Select Customer window with the Add button highlighted, it is a green plus sign

Add outside a transaction: From the Ascend Desktop, click the Customers tile.

Screenshot of the Customers tile, there are two people on a blue background

Then click Add (on the toolbar).

Screenshot with the Add button highlighted

Fields & options


Click the Scan Drivers License icon (keyboard F7) to scan a customer’s driver’s license with the Zebra/Motorola DS4308-DL, DS6878-DL, or DS8178-DL model barcode scanner to enter customer information, as provided by the state. Fields that can be filled out with the scanner are highlighted in yellow (when you select the icon).

Screenshot of Add Customer window. The icon next to First Name is highlighted and many fields are highlighted, they are detailed in the text below


(required) Account Type: Select Individual if the customer is a person, or Company if an organization.

(required) First Name: Enter the customer’s first name (this field is not required if Account Type Company is selected).

(required) Last Name: Enter the customer’s last name (surname) (this field is not required if Account Type Company is selected).

Company: Enter the company name. This field is required if Account Type Company is selected.

Email Address: Enter the customer’s email address.

Phone 1: Enter the customer’s primary telephone number. Select the appropriate Phone Type.

  1. Home: Phone number is a home (landline) number.
  2. Mobile: Phone number is a mobile (cell) number which can receive SMS (text) messages. This option is selected by default.
  3. Work: Phone number is a work number
  4. Fax: Phone number is a facsimile machine.
  5. Mobile (No SMS): Phone number is a mobile (cell) number, but which cannot receive SMS (text) messages
  6. Other: Phone number is another type not defined above.

Phone 2: Enter the customer’s secondary telephone number. Select the appropriate Phone Type.

  1. Home: Phone number is a home (landline) number. This option is selected by default.
  2. Mobile: Phone number is a mobile (cell) number which can receive SMS (text) messages.
  3. Work: Phone number is a work number
  4. Fax: Phone number is a facsimile machine.
  5. Mobile (No SMS): Phone number is a mobile (cell) number, but which cannot receive SMS (text) messages
  6. Other: Phone number is another type not defined above.


Select the star icon next to the customer's preferred contact method. This method will be selected by default when contacting the customer about Special Orders or Work Orders.

Screenshot of star icons next to three fields, one is yellow and the others are black outlines

Preferred Language: You can select a customer's preferred language, if needed.

Gender: Select the customer’s gender. This field may be required based on your Options.

Birthday: Enter the date of the customer’s birthday.

Account Number: This field is automatically populated based on your location’s Short Code. Enter a new number if you generate account information outside of Ascend, or click New to automatically generate a new number.

Include in Communications: Check if the customer has agreed to receive marketing emails or mailings.

Hidden: Check to remove the customer from your system.


Customer data is not deleted, but will only display when Show Hidden is selected in Database Explorer > Customers. Transaction data is not affected.

Screenshot of Customers window, the button next to Show Hidden is highlighted and unchecked

Billing Address

Send Statements: Check if Purchase on Account statements should be generated for the customer.

Address 1: Enter the first line (e.g. street address) of the customer’s billing address.

Address 2: Enter the second line (e.g. unit number) of the customer’s billing address.

City: Enter or select the city for the customer’s billing address. Note: When a ZIP/Postal Code is entered, the matching City and State/Province are automatically selected.

State/Province: Enter the state or province for the customer’s billing address. Note: When a ZIP/Postal Code is entered, the matching City and State/Province are automatically selected.

ZIP/Postal Code: Enter the ZIP or postal code for the customer’s billing address. Note: When a ZIP/Postal Code is entered, the matching City and State/Province are automatically selected.

Country: Select the country for the customer’s billing address. Note: Countries must be activated before they can be selected.

Shipping Address

Address Type: Select Residential if the address is for a home, or Commercial if for a company.

Use Billing Address for Shipping: Check if the Billing and Shipping addresses are the same.

Address 1: Enter the first line (e.g. street address) of the customer’s billing address.

Address 2: Enter the second line (e.g. unit number) of the customer’s billing address.

City: Enter or select the city for the customer’s billing address. Note: When a ZIP/Postal Code is entered, the matching City and State/Province are automatically selected.

State/Province: Enter the state or province for the customer’s billing address. Note: When a ZIP/Postal Code is entered, the matching City and State/Province are automatically selected.

ZIP/Postal Code: Enter the ZIP or postal code for the customer’s billing address. Note: When a ZIP/Postal Code is entered, the matching City and State/Province are automatically selected.

Country: Select the country for the customer’s billing address. Note: Countries must be activated before they can be selected.


Current Rate: The current tax rate being charged to the customer displays in the Tax header.

Tax ID: Enter the ID provided to prove the tax exception.

Tax Exception Reason: Select the applicable exception reason (e.g. State Park). Note: Exception reasons must be added before they can be selected; see Add a Tax Exception Reason. 

Tax Rate Detail: The Default Tax and the current Customer Tax rates display in the grid. To apply an exception, click in the Customer Tax field and enter the appropriate rate.

Purchase on Account

Status: Select the status of the customer’s account.

  1. Inactive: The customer does not have Purchase on Account privileges.
  2. Active: The customer can charge against a Purchase on Account balance.
  3. Suspended: The customer has had Purchase on Account privileges, but they are currently unable to use them (e.g. account is in arrears).
  4. Closed: The customer previously had Purchase on Account privileges, but they have since been revoked.

Credit Limit: Enter the maximum amount the customer may charge.

Terms: Enter the payment terms for the customer’s account (e.g. Net 30).

Require Purchase Order Number: Check if a purchase order number must be entered when charging to the account.

Special Instructions: Enter any additional comments about the customer’s account.

Screenshot of Add Customer window with the cursor in the Special Instructions window

Modify/update a customer record

Edit from a transaction: Double-click the customer's name on the right side of the screen in the Transaction Screen.

Screenshot of the Transaction Screen with the customer's name highlighted

Add outside a transaction: From the Ascend Desktop, click the Customers tile.

Screenshot of Customers icon

Search for the customer using the search bar. Then highlight the customer in the results and click Edit (on the toolbar).

Screenshot of Customers window, the Edit icon is highlighted

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