Lead Lists: 7 Highly Successful Habits

Written By CJ Edwards (Collaborator)

Updated at August 15th, 2024

Before you begin

For a comprehensive review of Lead Lists on Ascend HQ, check out our overview article found here. 

For technical details on how to use the tool, check this out! 


Be proactive by finding common customer interests and traits

Use Lead Lists to categorize leads based on interests, purchase history, and engagement level. The built-in filters can help tailor hospitality and marketing efforts to the right customers.  

Begin with the end in mind for hospitality 

Personalize interactions using the lead information at your fingertips. Train your staff to deliver exceptional service.

  • Address customers by name in communications to create a personal touch.
  • Reference past interactions or purchases to enhance engagement.  
  • Equip staff to handle inquiries professionally and efficiently.

Remember: Positive customer experiences lead to repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.

Put first things first by offering exclusive access 

Provide special offers and attention to leads on your list. Create exclusive discounts or early access to new products, events, or swag to incentivize purchases. Promote these offers through targeted messages powered by your lists.

Think win-win with prompt follow-ups 

Ensure timely follow-ups with leads. Use automated follow-up emails or messages to maintain engagement. Respond quickly to inquiries to increase conversion (and conversation) rates.

Seek first to understand your lead data 

Monitor the performance of your Lead Lists. Use the Metrics tab to analyze data regularly to identify effective strategies and areas for improvement. Adjust your approach based on insights to optimize conversion rates.

Synergize through events and workshops

Consider organizing engaging events to create natural engagement opportunities. Plan events like bike maintenance workshops or product demos to attract leads back to your store.  

Sharpen the saw by keeping good notes

Regularly follow up and record your interactions in Ascend to help you track progress and identify opportunities. 


While we provide general guidance on utilizing your data, you are responsible for using these tools in accordance with your local laws.  We are not responsible for any misuse.  In other words, the tools provide you with a list of customers based on your data, but you are responsible for making sure you have the appropriate permission to contact the customers and for contacting consumers in an appropriate way.  Non-compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and other data protection laws can result in significant penalties and legal costs (and a crummy customer experience). If you have any questions about responsible data handling, please consult with a legal professional.