Lead Lists: Recommended Plays - Top 100

Written By CJ Edwards (Collaborator)

Updated at August 14th, 2024

Before you begin

For a comprehensive review of Lead Lists on Ascend HQ, check out our overview article found here. 

For technical details on how to use the tool, check this out! 



These plays target your top 100 customers. They include invitation to shop a sale, retain your top 100, thank you note or gift, and invitation to a store clinic, event or ride. 

Use the Envelope in the Contact Email column to email one customer at a time.  

To send emails to a group of customers:

  1. Export the list using the More Options […] button on the top right of the results.  
  2. Copy the Email Address column from Excel.  
  3. Paste the list into whatever email service you like to use.

Top 100 Play 1: Invitation to Shop a Sale

  • Objective: Inform your top customers that a sale is coming and personally invite them to your store, highlighting new or additional items that can enhance their riding experience.
  • Filters: 
    • None
  • Communication template:
    • Subject: 
      • Score big savings, [Name]! Shop our upcoming sale
    • Body: 
      • Hi [Name]. Hope riding is going well. I wanted to reach out to you know about an upcoming sale that we are having. It runs from [date range]. There’ll be some stuff on sale that would be the perfect [upgrade/compliment] to your bike that I’d love to show you and get you a great deal on. Let me know if you’d like to check it out, and I can curate a few items for you. 

Top 100 Play 2: Retain Your Top 100

  • Objective: Reach out to your best customers who you haven’t seen in a while to check in and make sure they are doing well and have everything they need.
  • Filters: 
    • Use the Advanced Filtering found on the right hand side of the page. 
      • Click Last Transaction
      • Switch Basic Filtering to Relative Date
      • Show items when the value “is in the last”
      • Type 30
      • Choose days
      • Click Apply Filter
      • Note: Number and Days can be changed based on how often you'd like to contact your top customers.
    • Sort by Lifetime $
  • Communication template:
    • Subject: 
      • [Name], we miss you! Let's get you back on the [road/trail]
    • Body: 
      • Hi [name of customer]! We haven’t seen you in a while and just wanted to drop a note and see how your riding season is going. If there’s anything we can do to keep you pedaling, please reach out. We’re here to help and we hope to see you soon! 

Top 100 Play 3: Thank You Note or Gift

  • Objective: Show appreciation to your top customers. Often, 20% of customers make up 80% of sales. Offer them special gestures like small gifts, handwritten notes, or personal invitations to rides.  
  • Filters: 
    • None
  • Communication template:
    • Subject: 
      • [Name], a special thank you gift just for you!
    • Body:
      •  Just wanted to say thanks for being an awesome customer! We’re sending you [gift] just to say thanks. Love seeing you in the store and getting to help you knock off the miles! 

Top 100 Play 4: Promote New In-Store Products 

  • Objective: Inform customers that you now carry the latest and greatest from their favorite brands.
  • Filters: 
    • None
  • Communication template:
  • Subject: 
    • [Name], check out our new [Rapha apparel] in-store!
  • Body: 
    • Hi [Name], it’s [your name] from [Retailer Name]. I wanted to let you know that we’re now carrying [Rapha apparel] in store. We’ve got a couple new [kits] in that would look awesome with your [customer’s bike], and [Rapha’s quality and comfort] is unmatched! Let me know if you’d like to come check some out, and I’ll set some aside for you to try on. 



While we provide general guidance on utilizing your data, you are responsible for using these tools in accordance with your local laws.  We are not responsible for any misuse.  In other words, the tools provide you with a list of customers based on your data, but you are responsible for making sure you have the appropriate permission to contact the customers and for contacting consumers in an appropriate way.  Non-compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and other data protection laws can result in significant penalties and legal costs (and a crummy customer experience). If you have any questions about responsible data handling, please consult with a legal professional.