Release Notes (General Release)

Written By Ascend knowledge base (Administrator)

Updated at February 27th, 2025


Software: / EA: 25.3.33 / GA: 25.2.46 / Database Schema: 135

Release date: February 25th, 2025

Ascend RMS


  • Ascend Pay: Disruption in your internet service during payment processing will now result in Ascend receiving the successful payment into the transaction or, if need be, canceling an unintended duplicate payment.

Ascend HQ



Software: / EA: 25.2 / GA: 25.1.28 / Database Schema: 134.1

Release date: January 28th, 2025

Ascend RMS


  • Users can now easily copy cell values with the following steps:
    • Select the Cell: Ensure the cell you wish to copy is properly selected.
    • Right-Click: Right-click on the selected cell.
    • Copy: Click on the “Copy” option from the context menu.
  • Users now have the ability to remove the attached file from a completed Work Order notification email.
  • A new check will now run behind the scenes to compare the Stratus DB version to the local client DB. In the unlikely situation these versions are different, an error message will be displayed alerting the user to reboot to resolve the issue, and/or call Ascend Support for further assistance.

Ascend HQ


  • In Order Grids and Carts, part numbers will be displayed as hyperlinks only when there is a corresponding product or image URL associated with them.


Software: / EA: 25.1.28 / GA: 24.15.50 / Database Schema: 134.1

Release date: January 7th, 2025

Ascend RMS


  • Resolved an issue where inventory failed to sync for 24 hours for eCommerce orders that were converted into sales.

Ascend HQ


  • QuickBooks Online (QBO) Integration: The QBO integration now provides more detailed information in failure email notifications. If a QBO export fails due to a bad Intuit QBO server response or a configuration issue, the email will include more details to help retailers, bookkeepers, and our support team diagnose the problem.
  • Onboarding Process Enhancement: To improve the onboarding process for dealerships managing multiple legal entities, we are introducing a feature to track the applicable legal entity for each location. This will be implemented in the Location Grid of the Ascend Pay Onboarding Form in Ascend HQ. To accommodate this new feature, the Location Grid has been simplified:
    • The “Confirmed Payment Methods” and “Payment Methods” columns have been merged into a single “Payment Methods” column, displaying:
      • Confirmed Payment Methods in Green (with a checkmark icon).
      • Pending Payment Methods in Orange (with a hourglass icon).
      • Pool of Payment Methods for this locale/location in White (with Sigma/Sum icon).
    • The “Information” (I) icon remains in this column and functions as before.
    • The “Add Location” button has been resized to a smaller, image-only button.
    • The “Add Payment Methods” button has also been resized to a smaller, image-only button.


  • Price Update Tool: Prices now sort correctly by their numeric value.
  • Ascend Pay Statement: The statement now functions correctly for a single-day date range.


Software: / EA 24.14.57 / GA: 24.14.57 / Database Schema: 134.1

Release date: November 14th, 2024

Ascend RMS


  • In an edge-case scenario, when split line items of the same serialized product on an order are received across multiple sessions, duplicate serial numbers no longer have the potential to be created.

Ascend HQ


  • For customers using Ascend Pay, a new reporting page has been added to Ascend HQ. This can be found at Payments > Ascend Pay > Reports Overview
  • A user will now be able to send emails from the Customer Transaction History report to customers regardless of their present location within the dealership.


Software: GA 24.13.47/ EA: 24.12.72  GA / Database Schema: 134

Release date: Nov 14th 2024

Ascend RMS


  • The non-functional “Change System Password…” option in the ‘Tools’ dropdown has been removed to prevent user confusion.
  • The Cloud Catalog default limit for adding products to the client has been increased from 15 to 100.
  • Invoice number generation and assignment to a transaction will now only occur when a payment has been made OR a transaction has been finished; Layaways with no payment will NOT receive an Invoice Number until a Payment is made.


  • Italy only) The inventory adjustment type will now be properly set to "Riconciliazione inventario" when performing an inventory reconciliation.
  • Customer notes created at all locations, now properly show up in Database Explorer > Customer > Notes
  • Ascend will no longer send empty Listen360 files
  • The total tax paid on a transaction now shows correctly in Database Explorer > Customers > History.
  • When re-downloading an active promotion using the Promotion Wizard, any products removed from the promotion will also be removed from the client.
  • Creating or updating a customer record email address now runs a uniqueness check which will prompt the user and automatically remove duplicate email addresses from all other existing customer records; the email address will only be retained on the record being updated. This change is a modification to the Options > Sales & Returns > Customer > Require Unique Email Address setting.

Ascend HQ


  • (GAS) The supplier API vendor association list is now displayed in alphabetical order.
  • The Scheduled Reports section has been updated to display the newest reports at the top by default, allowing the most recent reports to be quickly accessed without manual sorting.
  • (DOTS) Initial release of Ordering Central page. This page will act as the base page for orders in Ascend HQ. Current functionality is read-only and the buttons are non-functional.


  • Flickering due to product loading will no longer occur in the Order Grids table.
  • A User’s column preferences saving issue has been resolved for the Special Orders management tool. A user’s column changes now carry over between logins.


Software: 24.12.65/ EA: 24.11.24  GA / Database Schema: 133.1

Release date: Oct 15th, 2024

Ascend RMS


  • Increased the Cloud Catalog default limit for adding products to the client from 15 to 100.


  • Invoice numbers are now generated and assigned only when a payment is made or a transaction is completed. Layaways without payment will not receive an invoice number until payment is made.
  • Customer notes created at any location now appear correctly under Database Explorer > Customer > Notes.
  • Ascend no longer sends empty Listen360 files.
  • Total tax paid on a transaction is now accurately displayed in Database Explorer > Customers > History.
  • Re-downloading an active promotion using the Promotion Wizard now removes any products that were removed from the promotion from the client.
  • Creating or updating a customer record email address now runs a uniqueness check, prompting the user and automatically removing duplicate email addresses from other existing customer records. The email address will only be retained on the updated record. This change modifies the Options > Sales & Returns > Customer > Require Unique Email Address setting.

Ascend HQ


  • Added an optional FTP/SFTP cart submission type to order submission options.


  • When importing a cart, a message now indicates whether the process was successful.

Quickbooks Online


  • Added support for location short names exceeding 12 characters.


Software 24.11.24- EA  /24.10.27 GA/ Database Schema 132.1

Release date: September 24th, 2024

Ascend RMS


  • Customer History Report: Users with the 'Reports-Customer Transaction History' permission can now access the Customer History report directly through the Ascend app.

New merging restrictions:

  • In-Store Layaways and Work Orders Only: Merging is restricted to in-store layaway and work order transactions only. Completed sales are not eligible for merging.
  • Non-Domestic Tax Transactions: Transactions with non-domestic tax cannot be merged.
  • Multiple Associated Payments: Layaway and work order transactions with more than one associated payment cannot be merged.


  • Purchase Orders: The PO Number and Vendor Order Number fields in purchase orders cannot be edited after all products have been received.

Ascend HQ


  • Error and Warning Messages: These messages have been moved to the lower right corner and will now disappear automatically after 5 seconds, improving user experience.
  • Carts Page: The carts page will no longer crash when the location drop-down is changed while a cart is open.


Software 24.10/ Database Schema 132

Release date: August 27th, 2024

Ascend RMS


  • Ascend Pay
    • Credit and Debit card options from the payment menu have been removed when the location has chosen to use Ascend Pay, while introducing a dedicated Ascend Pay menu item accessible via F6. These changes apply to both the Sale Form and POA.

New merging restrictions are now live:  

  • In-Store Layaways and Work Orders Only: Merging is now restricted to in-store layaway and work order transactions only. Completed sales continue to be ineligible for merging.
  • Non-Domestic Tax Transactions: Transactions that include non-domestic tax will no longer be allowed to merge.
  • Multiple Associated Payments: Layaway and work order transactions that have more than one associated payment cannot be merged. 
  • Integrated Online Sales: Transactions created through an integrated eCommerce sale cannot be merged.


  • This fix addresses a bug with missing Invoice PDFs on eCommerce Sale Transactions that were cancelled within Ascend RMS using the eCommerce feature
  • Trek Order Grids have been migrated to Ascend HQ. 

Ascend HQ


  • Trek authentication has been removed from HQ. Authentication is completed through the Trek vendor in the client.
  • A generic error pop-up will no longer occur when a user does not have authentication set up for a given supplier. A more informative toast message will now show persistently that informs a user of the specific selected locations that do not have authentication for the given supplier. 
  • The import button is now disabled for Trek cart locations if a Trek Account Number has not been entered into the corresponding client. 


Software 24.9 / Database Schema 131.1

Release date: August 6th, 2024

Ascend RMS


  • Trek Order Grids have been migrated to Ascend HQ.
  • Removed Credit Card and Debit Card options from the payment menu when the location opts to use Ascend Pay. 
  • Introduced a dedicated Ascend Pay menu item accessible via F6. These changes apply to both the Sale Form and POA.


  • Resolved an issue where Invoice PDFs were missing from eCommerce Sale Transactions that were cancelled within Ascend RMS using the eCommerce feature. This fix is applicable to GAS, NL, and BE Markets.
  • Fixed an issue where the PDF Invoice exported to cloud storage was not updated to the correct header label of Invoice instead of Work Order, upon completing a Work Order Transaction. This fix is applicable to GAS, NL, and BE Markets.
  • Corrected the Sales Invoice/Workorder sent to customers from Ascend HQ via the Customer Transaction History Report.

Ascend HQ


  • Users’ column visibility and order are now saved for order-related tabs.
  • An import option has been added to Carts.


  • Fixed an issue where the slider for an empty cart displayed a phantom right-hand border that scrolled with it.


Software 24.8 / Database Schema 131.1

Release date: July 16th, 2024

Ascend RMS



  • Product Min/Max Values in Ascend HQ will match those of the client.
  • Shared product attributes default to the dealership value if unselected in the client. The affected shared attributes include: Price (will always fall back to parent product if the price is zero), Commission, Commission Type, Reorder Maximum, Reorder Minimum, Reorder Minimum Alt, and Reorder Maximum Alt
  • Correct Sales Invoice/Workorder is now sent from the Customer Transaction History Report
  • Order items duplication due to partial picking in the supplier warehouse has been fixed.
  • Ascend Pay issue resolved where cancelled payments could take 90-100 seconds.

Ascend HQ


  • Order Grids supplier category view updated to hide categories with 0 products.
  • 'Year' and 'Model Number' columns added to Order Grids.
  • User's last search state is saved in a cookie for ordering related tabs.
  • Order Grids now show a product description in all locales.
  • Error messages displayed when a user is auto logged out due to inactivity.
  • Cart quantity column in Order Grids updates when a product's order quantity is updated.


Software 24.7 / Database Schema 131.00

Release date: June 18th, 2024

Ascend RMS


  • Once a transaction is finished in European markets it can no longer be modified.

Ascend HQ


  • The authentication method will be updated. An information message at the top of the login page will provide details to existing B2B and HQ users regarding their login IDs and passwords.
  • The performance of the Categories dropdown in ordering related tabs has been improved.
  • To reduce confusion when ordering, a user will no longer be prompted to retain items in the cart.
  • Tooltips have been added to headers in Orders tabs.


  • Order items in Carts will no longer appear to refresh when the quantity on order is updated.
  • A cart quantity column has been added to Order Grids and Add Item. In addition, a user will have a visual indication with a tooltip if a product is already in their cart.
  • Order Grids, Items to Order, and Carts now show more rows in the initial view.


Software 24.6 / Database Schema 130.00

Release date: May 21st, 2024

Ascend RMS


Ascend Pay

  • Made adjustments under the integrations > payment > Ascend Pay region related to onboarding dealers.
  • Onboarding fields under legal entity details now disappear after the legal entity is created instead of just being disabled.

Ascend HQ


PO number verification

  • Automated duplicate PO number verification and the option to generate the next sequential PO number have been added to the Order Review form.

Shopify channel

  • Removed the inactive Shopify channel type from the customer transaction history report.


  • A user will no longer be restricted from ordering products when these three conditions are met: there are zero in-stock in warehouses, back ordering is allowed, and a future date can be seen in Ascend HQ.
  • Column chooser sort order:
  • The column chooser sort order buttons are now arranged with the greatest change in view at either end.

Items to order navigation

  • Removed the button for navigating to the items to order page from the carts page. You can still access items to order from the navigation panel on the left.

Visual flicker

  • Eliminated visual flicker between rows.
  • Order grids enhancement:
    • The order grids category dropdown now reflects the supplier categories.
    • Order grids now load products first, followed by inventory availability and prices sequentially, resulting in a faster user experience.


Filtering items in 'Add Item' page

  • The filter will now stack to the top, and surrounding visuals will not darken to obscurity.

Inventory Center

  • Fixed an error when cloning an inventory event.


Software 24.5 / Database Schema 130.00

Release date: April 30th , 2024

Ascend RMS



Ascend HQ


  • Ascend Pay only supports a single time zone in some countries. In this case the time zone dropdown will not be visible in the Legal Entity Details window within Settings > Integrations > Ascend Pay.


  • Report column filters will no longer prevent a user from selecting 1 as the minimum value.


Software 24.4 / Database Schema 129.00

Release Date: March 26th, 2024

Ascend RMS


Sales form

  • Availability checks from the sales form will no longer cause errors when part numbers are missing.


  • Customer notes will now successfully download to their customer profile at all multistore locations as expected.


  • Ascend Pay users can no longer disable or hide required payment types.


  • For Trek orders, you will now see color coding for all the line items on your orders after retrieving product availability. For more information on integrated Trek ordering, check out this article: Trek integration in Vendor Orders 
    • Black: The product can be backordered, regardless of current quantity available
    • Green: The product cannot be backordered and the order quantity is equal to or less than what is available. 
    • Yellow: The product cannot be backordered and the order quantity is higher than available product. To fix, adjust the quantity on order to equal to or less than 
    • Purple: The product can't be found in B2B



  • The General Ledger Summary now matches the Activity Summary figures for EU and AU users.
  • An issue preventing fulfillments submitted from HQ to show up in the client has been resolved. Customers associated to the Special Order or with the created transfer should now be displayed.


  • An issue causing out of sync errors for cancelled Ascend Pay payments has been resolved.

Ascend HQ



  • View history of previously scheduled reports and exports, along with type of report/export, recipient, last date the export ran, and indication of delivery status (Success vs. Failure).



  • Sequentially generated PO numbers will generate automatically.


Software 24.2 / Database Schema 127.00

Release Date: February 21st, 2024

Ascend RMS


Add Payouts

  • Users will no longer be able to edit 'Add Payouts' previously saved using Ascend RMS > DB Explorer to avoid compliance concerns from Tax Authorities in certain markets.  The recommended best practice is to only record Payouts when the final amount impacting your Cash Drawer is known or record two separate positive/negative Payouts to reflect the amounts taken and returned to the Cash Drawer when payouts occur.



  • For Delivery and Shipping type sales originating from the Ecommerce API; both the explicit Type and Shipping Type string will be included in the Shipping Type column in the Ecommerce Sales screen.

Work Orders

  • When saving Technician Availability with two separate instances of Ascend are open will no longer cause a duplicate key error.


Software 24.1 / Database Schema 126.00 

Release Date: January 31st, 2024

Ascend RMS


Trek Ordering

  • When submitting an order, the cost displayed in the purchase order will now reflect the correct cost including when the product is on sale.

Ascend HQ


Trek Ordering

  • Order from anywhere with the new and improved ordering feature for Trek. Easily build a cart based on inventory levels, special orders, or manual selections for all locations within a dealership at once.

Order Grids

  • Order Grids are moving from the Ascend desktop app to Ascend HQ. Easily review Trek’s offerings, cost, and product availability alongside your sales data to determine ordering needs.


Ascend Pay

  • The 'Complete Onboarding' button will correctly link a user to the Adyen website, even when the Dealer is in the 'Fully Registered' state.


Software 23.15 / Database Schema 125.00 

Release Date: January 9th, 2024

Ascend RMS


Trek Ordering

  • When submitting an order to Trek, warehouse totals for quantity and dollar amount will now be displayed on the Trek Order Review form.
  • Order grids for bikes are again available in Ascend. Please note that P&A are still disabled and will not display any products in the grid.


  • When users open a hidden sale, they will now be able to preview and print the sale invoice from within the transaction.

Ascend HQ


Customer Transaction History Report

  • The Customer Transaction History Report button colors have been updated.


Customer Transaction History Report

  • An issue affecting emails to customers with special characters in their name has been resolved.
  • The email button will no longer be visible for transactions that were completed at a hidden location.


  • The scheduled time for a scheduled report will now be based on the Ascend HQ User's time zone rather than the cloud server time zone.


Software 23.14.51 / Database Schema 125.00 

Release Date: December 12th, 2023

Ascend RMS


Ecommerce Sales

  • We have added a new Websale ID column to help reference sales made by a customers through a retailer's website.



  • Ecommerce API users will notice the shipping address is automatically populated in the sales form comments for both shipping and delivery web sales.
  • During Stratus downtime, users attempting to submit a Trek supplier order will now receive an error message instead of experiencing a prolonged loading bar.

Ascend HQ


API Integrators

  • We've introduced tooltips within the API Integrators section. These tooltips detail the purpose and function of each permission alongside the available available options.


  • Users now have the option to input an exact value for a more precise search instead of the slider filter in a grid.


Software 23.13.80 / Database Schema 125.00 

Release Date: November 14th, 2023

Ascend RMS


Dexter Decommission

  • Trek supplier orders will now use new, more secure endpoints. You will notice a more simplistic workflow when submitting orders and some functionality, such as Order Grids, have been removed from Ascend.

Trek Ordering

  • The Trek Account Number within Vendors, Options, and the Purchase Order form will no longer be editable. Please contact support if your Trek account number needs to be updated.

Cloud Catalog

  • When you are searching the Cloud Catalog and results exceed 500 products, you will now see new products that haven't been added listed first.


  • To improve performance, only the first 10,000 products will be loaded initially when searching for products in Database Explorer.


Trek Ordering

  • An issue affecting Trek Account Numbers not populating in Purchase Order forms has been resolved.

Ascend HQ


Customer Transaction History Report

  • Users with the Reports – Customer Transaction History permission will now be able to use the Customer Transaction History report under Reports.


Software 23.12.98 / Database Schema 123.00

Release Date: October 24th, 2023

Ascend RMS


Auto-Sync Trek Purchase Orders

  • You now have the option to enable Auto-Syncing for Trek purchase orders. When the Auto-Sync Purchase Orders checkbox is enabled on the Trek Bicycle Corporation Edit Vendor screen, any new Trek B2B orders created or updated will automatically sync on Ascend. For more set up instructions and guidelines, review the article Auto-Sync Purchase Order options.


  • When you are requesting a transfer from a store for a special order, the State and Zip for each location will now be displayed, so you can easily identify the proximity to those locations.
  • The tax rates are now separated on your receipts.


  • Duplicate transfer requests will not be created when you edit a transfer request in the Sales Screen if you do not have sales item edit permissions or if you edit it in Work Order Details.
  • You can no longer be auto logged out when using the price update tool.
  • When you hide or remove an in-store product, the associated vendor products are also hidden.

Ascend HQ



  • You will now be able to generate a cloud-based QuickBooks General Ledger Summary IIF export from Ascend HQ. This new feature allows users to combine/separate IIF export files over a particular date range or across multi-store locations.
  • You will now be able to configure QuickBooks Accounting/Bookkeeping in Ascend HQ for all locations.
  • You will now be able to import the QuickBooks Chart of Accounts (COA) setup file, as well as manage the COA entries directly in Ascend HQ.
  • The new Ascend HQ - Bookkeeping permission is required to have access to this feature.


Software 23.11.51 / Database Schema 122.00

Release Date: September 26th, 2023

Ascend RMS


  • We fixed an issue preventing you from updating pricing for an active promotion when a hidden promotion has the same name.
  • You will no longer be able to accidentally modify a sales item that is hidden.


Software 23.10.56 / Database Schema 121.00

Release Date: September 5th, 2023

Ascend RMS


  • You will now see a Sync to Ascend HQ option when you right click on a sale within the Sales Grid in Database Explorer > Sales. This new option will allow you to sync sales changes to Ascend HQ within 30 minutes rather than waiting for it to sync on its own.

Ascend HQ


  • In HQ > Reports > RPM Accuracy, you will no longer see the metric % of Bikes W/Accurate Sns, and instead see % of Bikes Received with Serial#. This updated field will look at all your bikes that were serialized at the time of receiving within the last 30 days.


Software 23.9 / Database Schema 120.00

Release Date: August 15th, 2023

Ascend RMS


  • Updated logging capabilities now record more system crash and freeze data.
  • When you are loading products in either the Products or Vendor Products screens in Database Explorer, you will no longer see a pop-up message letting you know that results are limited to 10,000, when there are fewer than 10,000 items in the results.
  • You will no longer see hidden users  when running the “Commission Summary” or “Commission Details” reports. The reports will be sorted alphabetically.
  • If you have the “Products/Vendor Products - View” permission, you will now be able to view in-store products when clicking the Edit Product option in the Purchase Order screen.


  • In a multistore setting you will no longer experience issues with sharing tax type information containing mixed capitalization and whitespace characters.
  • If you are in the change due screen and the system crashes, or you leave the screen open and the PC reboots, then the change payment will now be recorded in the database. This will prevent the transaction from showing as out of balance on the General Ledger Summary, which would have prevented you from importing it into your accounting program.
  • When you are in Reservations and click a single reservation multiple times, only one window will pop up instead of multiple.


Software 23.8 / Database Schema 119.00

Release Date: July 25th, 2023

Ascend RMS



  • You will now see the eCommerce tile and the eCommerce tabs in Settings. The eCommerce feature is now active and visible in Ascend by default.


Receiving Wizard

  • When you receive your products, inventory will be synced properly, and the quantity will be updated in your local database and Stratus.
  • You will now see a message when you are unable to generate order info for a packing slip that has products with an order type of Warranty or Employee Purchase.


  • When updating information for your user, you will now be notified if your password does not meet the minimum requirements when you try to save the form.
  • When you use the Show All button inside Database Explorer > Orders, you will now see the newest orders listed first.
  • Now when you complete a product search and select Show All, p to 10,000 results can be displayed.
  • You will now see the correct products that are hidden when you select the Hidden button in Database Explorer > Vendor Products.
  • Now when you adjust a zip code, you will only adjust the specific city/zip code combination.
  • If you do not have the Link/Merge permission, you will no longer be able to merge products within the reconcile screen.
  • If you do not have the Products/Vendor Products - Add/Edit Master Data permission, you will no longer be able to edit a vendor product or product from the PO screen.
  • If your EMV (chip) configurations need to be updated for your Ingenico device, you may see a prompt with an option to update or it may update automatically, depending on if EMV configurations have never been set up or if the update has not been run for 14 days.


Software 23.7 / Database Schema 118.00 
Release date: May 29th, 2023

Ascend RMS


Manage Accounts (POA)

  • If you mistakenly overpay POA, you can now cancel out of the payment flow in the Credit Memo screen under POA Manage Accounts. Previously you were required to proceed by applying a Credit Memo. Your original Invoice selection will be retained; however, you will need to re-input the correct payment amount as if it was your first payment attempt. 

Login Screen

  • The Ascend client login has been updated with a new user interface and now shows an integrated side panel that provides links to release notes, knowledge base articles, and announcements.

Purchase Orders

  • When saving your purchase orders, the system will automatically remove any leading or trailing spaces included in the Vendor Order Number. This will reduce errors and avoid future PO Syncing issues because the numbers do not match between Ascend and the supplier.

Receiving Wizard

  • You will now be able to generate order information 50% faster, when clicking the Generate Order button.


  • When using Fast Login, you will still be logged in successfully even when the cache has expired.
  • You will now be able to see the Transaction Type within the Customer Record > Sales History and DB Explorer > Products > Customer menus.
  • Within the Work Order screen, you now have the option to specify the number of copies of the work order receipt you would like to print.
  • You will no longer be able to accidentally create a purchase order with a duplicate Vendor Order Number.
  • When assigning a special order to a Warehouse fulfillment via the Special Orders Management Tool, any comments that previously existed on the special order prior to the assignment, will now appear at the Warehouse location for that special order item.
  • You can now use custom port numbers for FTP


Memory Leaks

  • You will see a reduction in the number of out of memory crashes that you have seen, due to some memory leaks that were discovered and resolved.

Special Orders Management

  • Your transfers will no longer disappear when you serialize a bike for a special order warehouse request.

Fast Login

  • You will no longer receive an error message stating that your password is incorrect, when your Ascend Agent is down or not running.
  • When you log in using Fast Login, your tile visibility will now show based on the permissions you have set in Database Explorer. 


  • Work orders will now be marked as completed, instead of locked with an uncompleted status, if you overpay on a completed work order.
  • You will no longer be able to accidentally increase quantity for non-inventory items by creating a work order with a non-inventory item along with an inventory item and then adjusting both the inventory and non-inventory items back into inventory. 

Ascend HQ


Special Orders Management

  • You will now be able to set a fulfillment priority to sort by most recently created PO, so you can easily find a purchase order that you just created for the specific special order.


  • The Locally export on Ascend HQ will now only include products marked for eCommerce in their Ascend Product Record.


Special Orders Management

  • You will no longer experience an error when applying a change to the Fulfillment Priority under Report Options.

Tax Remittance Report

  • You will now see the taxable amount display the amount for each type/location/rate based on the completed sales' sales items prices multiplied by the quantity sold. 


Software 23.5 / Database Schema 115.00  
Release date: May 2nd, 2023

Ascend RMS


Receiving Wizard

  • When you select the Print SO Receipts button, you will no longer print old receipts or receipts of products received on the PO screen. You will only print Special Order receipts received in that session. 


  • The Import Export Data permission has been split into Import Export Data and Reports - Export. This will allow you to limit access to the full import and export of vendor, in-store, and customer records while still giving you the option to export reports. 
  • You will now be logged in 3x faster when logging in via Fast login.
  • When you are importing vendor product sheets or updating UPCs; NULL will be treated as an empty value rather than a string/word to prevent issues with Excel conversion.
  • In Reports, you will no longer see any references to Ascend Online Reports (AOR) since they are no longer available.



  • Ascend will no longer crash due to a memory leak when you open and close a sale or workorder numerous times.
  • When you are using Cashier Mode, you will no longer run into the issue of not being able to see payments, due to a screen refresh issue.
  • You will no longer be able to accidentally create a customer with a NULL value in the country field.



Locally Export

  • The Locally product/price export has been updated to match the same calculations used by Ascend RMS for promotions related to cost. Those calculations are Margin Percentage = Cost / (1 - Percentage/100) and Cost Plus Percentage = (Cost * Percentage/100) + Cost.


Software 23.4.56 / Database Schema 115.00   
Release date: April 11th, 2023

Ascend RMS


Cloud Catalog

  • You will now have the option to search the Cloud Catalog for only newly created products and search by the product’s created date.
  • You will no longer see the Update Products tile on the Ascend Desktop. Instead, the Cloud Catalog functionality should be used in its place.

Receiving Wizard

  • You are now allowed to receive the same packing slip multiple times in case there are items that have not been received for that packing slip yet. Items that have already been received will be disabled and you will not be able to receive them again.

User Permissions

  • You will now see a new Reconcile Inventory permission that has been created to separate reconciling inventory from the Options Permission that it was originally associated to. This will allow inventory managers to do piece counts without also needing access to Options setup. 
  • You will now see two different Promotions permissions. The original “Promotions” permission has been renamed to Promotions - Add/Edit and has all the same functionality of the original permission. The newly created permission is called Promotions – View. This will allow you to set up users to view current promotions and promotional items without allowing the user the ability to modify or create new ones.


  • If for some reason your Ascend Update failed to complete, a message prompt will appear 24 hours after your Auto-Updater is set to run, stating, "There is a new update available". 
  • When you make changes to Min/Max values in Ascend RMS, they will now update the safety stock in HQ per the same logic followed in the Reorder Analysis on Ascend HQ. 
  • You will now always see the search function in Reports, which was previously hidden behind a hotkey, to make it easier for you to search for a specific report.
  • When you are importing vendor product sheets or updating UPCs; NULL will be treated as an empty value rather than a string/word to prevent issues with Excel conversion.


Software 23.3.45 / Database Schema 114.00

Release Date: March 21st, 2023

Ascend RMS


Receiving Wizard

  • You will now see a new ‘Received From’ column on the ‘Orders Received by Session’ report that will indicate how an order was received.
  • When Special Orders  are received via the Receiving Wizard, the customer will receive the same notification which is sent out when receiving an order into Ascend via any other method.



  • Returns can no longer be inadvertently closed when they contain an open Special Order.
  • When working on slower workstations, you no longer have the potential to see a duplicate change due payment.
  • When entering the ‘Reconcile’ screen from within the Inventory Center, you will no longer see ‘Out-Of-Memory’ errors due to the number of products.

Ascend HQ


Tax Remittance Report

  • A new Tax Remittance Report has been added to allow accountants to view and export taxes charged by locale and/or consumer location.


  • Ascend HQ now includes important news and updates on the login screen.


Software 23.2.29 / Database Schema 113.00

Release Date: February 28th, 2023

Ascend RMS



You will see performance improvements under Customers in the Database Explorer when loading data on the Serial Number tab at the bottom of your screen.

You will now be able to complete in-cell editing to comments in the purchase order form and the row height will be adjusted to indicate more comments that are not currently visible to you. 

Ascend HQ


Reorder Analysis

You will now see changes to Safety Stock levels appropriately reflected in the min/max values for a product accordingly and vice versa.


You can now download each of the Service Team Analysis reports by selecting the Export All button.


Software 23.1.34 / Database Schema 112.00

Release Date: February 1st, 2023

Ascend RMS


Price Update Tool

When you print labels from the Price Update Tool, they will now print as you currently have them sorted.


Receiving Wizard

When receiving a product associated to a hidden vendor product, you will no longer have issues with it failing to increase your quantity on hand.


When you are navigating in the Database Explorer, the up and down arrows will appropriately select the rows as if you had clicked on them and will load the item's details in the lower pane.

The Agent will no longer process eCommerce sales if they are open in Ascend RMS. This will prevent the possibility of duplications of sales or orders.

Ascend HQ


Special Orders Management Tool

A refresh button will now appear on all special order lines in SOMT. This will allow you to refresh the special order data, shipping dates, and/or attempt to resubmit the fulfillment to update the client for each individual line selected. There will also be a new trash can icon that will appear on special order lines that are being submitted to the client. If you select this button, the fulfillment will canceled and appear as a failed special order line.


Service Team Analysis Report

You will now see appropriately calculated turnaround metrics on the HQ Service Team Analysis report.


Your preferred language for your user will now be saved and displayed after you logout and back into Ascend HQ.


Software 22.3.298 / Database Schema 111.00   
Release Date: December 13, 2022

Ascend RMS   



You will no longer see Trek CC features in Ascend.


On a Locally sale, if the consumer's payment method is declined after a web order is initially placed, the web sale will be updated to reflect that payment must be taken in-store. The transaction will essentially become ROPIS, rather than BOPIS.

Your web orders will be marked as completed after the Ascend transaction is closed. If the order was not confirmed, a charge will be taken at that time. If the charge fails, you will be notified. You will also be notified upon entering the transaction if the related web order is not confirmed.


New tiles for Ascend HQ and Listen 360 have been added to your Ascend desktop.

Your quotes and finished transactions will now have background colors so you can easily distinguish them from active layaways and work orders.

On the login screen, when you click show servers while holding the alt key down, you will skip searching for new databases or servers, making switching between servers much faster.

There is now an automatic process to store database backups from the past 7 days for emergency maintenance purposes.

Your labor reports have been updated to include any child categories of a labor parent category.

You can now print SKU and UPC labels without a price. You can do this by setting the default functionality in Options or overriding the default when selecting print options.

You will see a new label printing option for transactions. Labels will print with transaction number and customer name.

A few different Inventory Adjustment Type (IAT) changes have been introduced to address problems related to multi-store IAT sharing and system limitations that primarily impacted bookkeeping configurations when setting up new locations.


eCommerce Integrations

Your eCommerce BOPIS sales will no longer recalculate taxes on sale items after a tax type modification.

Your canceled web orders can no longer be confirmed in Ascend. Instead, you will be notified of the cancellation.


The Klarna payment type is no longer hidden when partial payment has occurred.


When sorting your product promotions by Quantity on Hand, they will now sort correctly.

You will no longer see an error when you select and save the Require Card Type checkbox for manual payments in Options, and it will also be appropriately saved.

You will no longer see an Out of Memory Exception when you are fetching many customer records in Database Explorer.

You will no longer see an error when scheduling a service center technician when navigating forward many weeks into the future.

You will no longer see an error when using the refresh button in the Update Ascend window.

You will no longer get an error due to merging columns with empty data sets, when you open a delivered report.

You will only be allowed to select a single trade-in payment type for a sales item.

You will now see the appropriate child categories of the selected category when using the remote product lookup.

The transaction barcode on your receipt is now always properly set when exiting a transaction.

You will now see the appropriate company name if the customer doesn’t have a first or last name, but does have a company listed, when viewing special orders in the Special Order Items window, Special Order reports, and Orders in the Database Explorer.

When you save a transaction, it will no longer incorrectly uncheck Warranty when selected on a sales item.

When you process a return for a product, the original tax rate will now be correctly added to the sale.

If you change an order status to submitted, the estimated arrival date (EAD) calculation will be refreshed, even if you do not input a submitted date.

You can now only associate an order item with a transfer or a special order, but not both.

You will no longer receive an error in the client when a product has a Cost or MSRP of 0.

You will no longer receive an exception when you click cancel after clicking on the comment link while creating a new Purchase Order.

Your locations with tax details selected in receipt options will now show --,--% for a flat tax on your receipts instead of a calculated amount.

If a customer swipes a card and the card type is selected prior to a cashier clicking on the "Take Payment" button, then the amount shown on a Lane 7000 card reader will correctly show the current transaction instead of the previous one.

Ascend HQ


eCommerce Integrations

If you are on Ascend version 22.3 or higher, you may see the API Integrators section in Ascend HQ. This section will not be functional at this time unless you are a part of the eCommerce API pilot program. When enabled, this new section will allow you to enter the ID of your eCommerce provider and grant/remove access to your data by location.


You will now have the option to select an hourly export frequency for your scheduled reports export.

Your scheduled report has been updated to account for category promotions, exclude promotions not marked for eCommerce, and have a single price column with the lowest active price. 


If you are in Canada, you will see the Klarna integration section enabled in Ascend HQ. 

Price Updates

Your user preferences, such as the columns you have chosen in the grid, will be saved so that when you return the same columns will appear that you had selected when you were previously logged in.

After you have updated a price and you export the grid into a spreadsheet, the New Price column will display all decimal places instead of being rounded.

You will now have an option to search all catalog items, instead of needing to select a specific date range.

Performance Enhancements

The Purchase Order Screen will now be faster than ever!

The Sales Form will now be faster than ever!

The Database Explorer will now be faster than ever!

Reorder Analysis

Your Min/Max values will now be adjusted when a Safety Stock level is added.

If you are a dealer with many locations, you will no longer see an error appear when you are analyzing your reorders. 

Special Orders Management Tool

An additional report option has been added to allow you to only load actionable fulfillments. When this option is checked, only fulfillments for special orders that are fast trackable, not yet assigned, or are currently visible to you, will be loaded. This will quicken up overall load times for the tool.

When you are deleting or splitting a special order fulfillment, the grid will now only reload the affected row, instead of the whole grid, improving loading times.

Multiple performance enhancements have been completed so the grid will load faster than ever!

You will now see a column in the grid that shows you which suppliers you can order a special order item from.

When you are using the auto-fulfill functionality, the process will only run for special orders with active fulfillment dropdowns.

You will now see unsubmitted purchase order fulfillments in italics, even after they have been selected in the dropdown.

Your warehouse will no longer get deselected, due to a dealer caching issue.

When you associate a special order with a purchase order at the warehouse, the customer's name will now appear appropriately on the order screen in Ascend RMS for the associated purchase order.

When you associate a special order to a purchase order at the warehouse, if you serialized the product by giving it a serial number while receiving the order, in Ascend RMS, that serial number will be correctly associated to the product in the transfer’s form.

Your special order warehouse requests that have been deleted will no longer appear on your Items to Order form, in Ascend RMS, since they no longer need to be fulfilled. 


Page numbers will now appear on your scheduled reports.


Price Updates

When you select all visible records, it will correctly select only the visible records.

Prices will now be rounded to two decimal places in the grid.

When updating a price for a product that has multiple supplier part numbers associated to it you will see a message instructing you to fix the data.

Special Orders Management Tool

You will now see fulfillments in the dropdown prioritized appropriately based off the fulfillment priority selected in report options. Fulfillments with no estimated arrival date will no longer be considered "faster" than fulfillments with an estimated arrival date.

When the Only Show Failures checkbox is disabled the checkbox will automatically be unchecked, so you won't be stuck looking at a blank grid when there are no failures to display.

When you check the Only Show Failures checkbox, you will only see the failed special order lines, even after the grid reloads.

You will no longer receive an error or timeout when you select or deselect the "Only Show Failures" checkbox.

After selecting a warehouse in the report options, you will see the warehouse fulfillment options in the dropdown right away, instead of having to wait for 24 hours, due to a caching issue.

When there is a failure to find a warehouse, your special order lines will no longer get stuck in an inactive state saying they are updating to the client. Instead, your special order line will show as a failure and you can reselect a fulfillment and submit it again.   

22.2.222 Hot Fix

Software 22.2.222 / Database Schema 105.00

Release Date: June 29, 2022


Stratus: tax types will save correctly across a multi-store.


The new Work Order Turnaround Report is now fixed. Previously, Productivity and Assembly Reports were overlapping when they were populated with a lot of data.


Software 22.2.221 / Database Schema 105.00

Release Date: June 22, 2022


Ascend production release versions are no longer named by the month. They are now numbered by the release year and number of that year

Price Update Tool – new!

Automatic Updates – new!

Cloud Product Catalog cost levels and performance enhancements

Turnaround Time report – new!

Ascend RMS


Automatic Updates

Ascend will now take a more active update approach, a shift from the previously optional update. Retailers will have the ability to set the time of day and number of days from the Ascend Product Update release date from 0 (day of release) to 15 days from the date of the release.

Client machines will be updated automatically when the server is updated so that you will no longer need to manually update each individual client machine.


New functionality regarding errors and resolution process have been added for Product and Customer matching. Additionally you can now the Cloud Catalog as part of the product matching process.

Shipping Tax is now clearly visible on receipts and reflected in Database Explorer > Sales > Layaways.

The eCommerce Sale form will refresh on entry to the eCommerce Sales screen every 5 minutes and on Save. We have made the Auto-Refresh option an option that can be toggled. You will be prompted to complete the Locally sale when closing an eCommerce transaction if you have permission and the web sale is not yet completed.

Global users will see Ascend RMS Sale > Extras > Print Locally Receipt menu item localized. Global users will see Pickup in Store notation localized.


You will be able to complete a return to Klarna properly via the Desktop tile or Sale form button, even if there are offsetting products on the Sale.

Cloud Product Catalog

We have added an option to have a clickable link for those suppliers that are giving us a link to the individual product. This will display with a ‘blue’ part number.

Performance improvements in adding products from the Cloud Catalog to your database.

Added a horizontal scrollbar in the Cloud Catalog form.

Special Orders Management Tool

Transfer Item details will now show all appropriate transfer item history based off fulfillments selected.

The Transaction Type column will display the appropriate type for the Sale Item for all statuses associated when a special order has been assigned to a fulfillment.


Customer shipping address will not be updated if the billing name and shipping name do not match. You will see the shipping address displayed in the Sale Comments if it is not being shipped to the consumer (in the case of buy online, pick up in store).

You will see tax properly displayed on receipts; accounting exports; and reports for buy online, pick up in store sales.

Product fields that are uneditable can no longer be temporarily edited.

A script will be run to cleanup bad Transfer Id data that was generated for sales items that have a transfer associated to it.

Price Updates Tile for the Label Printing Form will be available.

skip button will remove a product from the list in the Print Label form and mark it as printed.



You may change the Status filter on the View > eCommerce Sales screens without crashing Ascend.

Consumer comments will appear below the Locally comments on the Sale form.

Local time will appear in the Order Details.


Serial numbers, the builder associated with the serial number, and associated information are no longer lost when a serial number is transferred.


Large sales receipts will print only the number of pages expected.

Page breaks due to footer settings will not cause reports to print an extra blank page of paper.

When a special order is assigned to a purchase order fulfillment, the customer will now appropriately display on the purchase order in the purchase order form.

Quickly clicking card payment when opening a layaway now correctly follows the expected card flow.

The bill-to country (consumer's billing country) will appear in the Sales Comments.

A warning will appear if there is no printer configured.

Ascend HQ


Special Orders Management Tool

You will be able to select Special Order lines, then hit the auto fulfill button and it will automatically select the first option in the fulfillment option dropdown list and assign it to the Special Order. Options for sorting the dropdown can be found in Report Options.

You will now see the shipment tracking number and URL associated to a Trek purchase order that the special order is on. You will also be able to click the URL and be taken to the shipping carriers page, where you can get additional delivery information.

You will now be able to see which supplier is associated to a specific purchase order.

The following new columns will appear in the column chooser: Sale Created Date, Category, Sale Payment Total, Transfer Comments (not editable), and Sales Item Comments (not editable).

The dropdown for lines near the bottom of the grid will appropriately display, it will no longer be necessary to scroll down to see the full dropdown.

The "Remove show completed items from past 30 days option" will no longer appear under the Report Options because no completed special orders currently appear in the tool.

Any failed fulfillment (error that occurred when attempting to update at the client) will appear on the Not Yet Ordered tab, so you can see that the Special Order needs attention. Also, the previously selected fulfillment that failed will be included in the error message when you hover over the special order line.

Any sorting or columns that were changed on a tab will be saved and restored when you reopen a tab/grid.

When using this tool, you will see your selected lines turn a dark blue and see lines that you hover over in a light blue to help keep track of the lines you are reviewing.

EAD, the abbreviation for Estimated Arrival Date, will now appear in the Estimated Arrival Date column header and next to the Estimated Arrival Date listed for a fulfillment option in the fulfillment dropdown.

The Transfer or Assign Order column will no longer appear in the column chooser for the Assigned tab or when you don't have the Vendor Order Permission.

Turnaround Time

A new reporting table has been added to the bottom of the Service Team Analysis Report showing Turnaround Time metrics for Work Order processing.

Price Update Tool

You can check the prices of a product that's updated in Ascend HQ and get that updated information in your database. Cost Level selection is enabled in Supplier catalog mapping.

There is a new column for Price Difference, it shows the price difference in dollars from the new price to the old price.

Cost Level will be defaulted to cost 1 if additional cost levels have not been provided from the supplier.


Purchase orders will not fail to open due to duplicate Supplier Order Numbers across multi-store locations.

In a purchase order when clicking between order items with Show History, selecting the All Locations tab will show multi-store locations as expected.

Cloud Product Catalog

A supplier cannot be mapped more than once, and catalog cannot be mapped to more than one supplier. Supplier and catalog have a 1:1 relationship.


Scheduled report formatting now matches manual export formatting.

You will see Klarna integration enabled in Canada on Ascend HQ as of 27 June 2022.


Special Orders Management Tool

Special Order comments and delivery date now display in the correct columns in the Special Ordered Items window.

When updating the fulfillment option for a special order with a quantity greater than one with a quantity less than the special order, the special order will now split appropriately and appear on the correct tabs.

The tool will no longer create duplicate rows for a sale item when changing fulfillment options and submitting them. If you think this may have occurred in your tool, please reach out to support so they can run a query to remove any previously created duplicate lines.

You will now be able to reattempt submitting a special order that has a previously failed Warehouse fulfillment attached to it.

Special orders will no longer appear on the Assigned tab when the associated purchase order fulfillment has been deleted.

You will no longer get an error if you try to click the --Select-- option in the fulfillment dropdown when it's already selected.

When trying to reload the tool multiple times while it's already loading, you will no longer get an unexpected error message.

Inactive Special Orders will no longer be selectable, which means their fulfillments cannot be changed when clicking the Auto Fulfill button.


Scheduled reports for My Queries will correctly export as CSV or XLSX when that delivery option is selected.

When you have duplicate Vendor Product Details in the client for a Special Order Warehouse Request and an error occurs, the system will now display the same message as it would for a standard special order with a duplicate vendor product and still allow you to proceed.

HQ reports will now populate correctly based on their Ascend RMS permissions.

HQ Sales Team Analysis will no longer include hidden layaways.

When in HQ, the Reorder Items will no longer display items with a quantity needed of 0.

AscendScan v4.1.2 Maintenance Release

Improved lease management

Improved internal file maintenance

Security-related updates

Now supports the Italian language

Compatible with both the Unitech EA500+ and the Unitech EA520 scanners (Recommended Steps for Updating AscendScan on the Unitech EA500+ and Recommended Steps for Updating AscendScan on the Unitech EA520

Compatible with Ascend RMS release v22.2 or later

March 2022

Software 22.1.270 / Database Schema 101.00

Ingenico iSC Touch 250 Device Configuration: 21.4.1 / Firmware:

Ingenico Lane 7000 Device Configuration: 21.4.0 / Firmware: 6.81.9

Release Date: March 1, 2022

Ascend RMS


Cloud Product Catalog

Cloud Product Catalog is available as part of Database Explorer. The Cloud Catalog Form is the same as in the PO Screen, except that from here you can add the cloud products to only your local database.

As part of Cloud Product Catalog Integration in the PO Screen the additional click with check box is now a function of the Add and Order Button.

Cloud Catalog Form has the Filters added to each of the fields.

Cloud Catalog improvements with making sure the right items were added to DB and PO.

Cloud Catalog Form will be accessible from Sales Screen, where you can search and add the products to the sales.


User should be able to change the quantity of a sale item to a negative number so the sale amount comes off the balance. Klarna payment should then process correctly.

Klarna will no longer pre-populate the consumer application with the Location address. It should now appear blank for the consumer to enter their personal information.

Consumers will see a Continue button on the Klarna application instead of Buy.

The dropdown selection for the eCommerce Payment Type now has Klarna and WePay as an option.

User will be able to refund a Klarna transaction without issue

Klarna users will see Country is now required in the Customer record to process a Klarna payment. 

Special Orders Management Tool

A new transfer status of Waiting on Dependency will now appear in the transfers out screen, to notify the user that the transfer cannot be picked yet, since it is waiting on something. The main use of this status is when a Warehouse has an item on a purchase order and it has not been received yet, so the item cannot be picked/sent, until it has been received.

New Transfer status will start appearing in the Special Order status areas (sale item details, receipts). Special orders fulfillments completed by transfers will not show under Items to OrderNote: when removing items from Items to Order, they also get removed from the Special Orders report/SOMT in HQ. A message in the message box notifies the user of this.

The Transfer To Location column will no longer appear in non-warehouse locations nor when the warehouse doesn't have a special order warehouse request for a different location.

The user will now be able to unassign a purchase order item from a remote special order warehouse request so that it can be assigned to something else, by removing the transfer-to location in the Purchase Order Presenter View in Ascend RMS.

Other items

The user will experience faster load times on the Purchase Order Screen since the page will be loaded differently and based off the user's preference. If the user toggles the new Load Remote button, the information in the bottom of the screen will load when it's ready. If it is toggled off, the information will not be loaded unless the refresh button is pressed, which will reload the entire page's data.

AscendScan is now compatible with the new Unitech Scanner Service for EA520 Scanners.

Local inventory levels will display by default in the purchase order window regardless of the state of the Load History button.

An Employee ID is auto generated when creating a new user. Note: the auto generated ID can be overwritten if you have a specific ID you would like the employee to use.

Within the Transfers screen, the location information now sorts alphabetically.

When viewing Users in Database Explorer, the Employee ID for each user will be displayed to the right of the Last Name.

Added customer-friendly messages confirming the adding of products to PO or to their Local database.

Ascend will no longer time out when attempting to access transfers for retailers with large transfer data sets.

Delivery Dates in the AscendRMS client will be updated as expected. 



User is not able to proceed with Klarna transaction without Customer or Phone/Email. However, they may also cancel out of forms if necessary and still be able to use the Klarna payment type after several attempts.


Multi-stores will properly share the eCommerce taxes and Locally sales will proceed normally.

User will be able to execute a return through the Locally process. This is found in the Return (Sale) & Locally return (Yes).

Special Orders Management Tool

While in the Items to Order form, the user will no longer be able to edit anything in the Transfer To Location column located under the Special Order Items.

Other items

Commission now displays properly within the Multistore commission table of Edit Product.

Only users with the Users - Edit Local User permission can Copy User permissions.

The Receiving Wizard will now correctly pull the invoice number from the Packing Slip.

If the eCommerce sale customer country code is missing, then matching to a local customer will proceed without an error.

Duplicate change due no longer occurs in cases where card reader disconnects in the middle of some payment processes.

When using the Replacement Wizard to replace a product with another, the alert box no longer includes a confusing dash (-) in front of the second product's cost.

Changing eCommerce setting in Options saves as expected.

Only users with the Time Clock Permission can edit Time Clock Entries.

When a user is reviewing the Sales History in the Purchase Order screen, they will be able to click between the current location and All Locations tab and the information will appear.

DBEX Serialization items that are correctly transferred out will now correctly display yes under Transferred Out column.

Advanced SQL Permission is now able to do everything that SQL Query can do.

Ascend HQ


Special Orders Management Tool

The user will be able to see all special orders from the locations that they have access to, sorted into 4 different tabs; Not Yet Ordered, Fast Track, Assigned, and All Special Orders.

The user will be able to see and select a fulfillment option from a drop-down list that includes the fulfillment availability (such as assigning an order or transfer) for the special order request.

The user can select a warehouse location, that will then be an additional fulfillment option available to fulfill a special order. WARNING: Once you select a warehouse location, you will not be able to change this location. If you determine it needs to be changed, please contact support.

When the user hits the submit button, it will submit all special order lines that were changed in the current session. As the lines are being passed to Ascend RMS and being updated there, the special order lines will become inactive (gray), so they cannot be changed again, until the submission process has been completed. If there is an error for one of the special order lines, it will be displayed in red.

The user will be able to see multiple report options and they will be saved to the user or dealership appropriately; Include Committed Transfers, Fulfillment Priority, and Select Warehouse.

The user will now see a session progress bar, located under the Report Options bar, that shows each session's progress for updating the client with the information that was submitted.

What the user can see in the Special Orders Management Tool will now be based off whether the user has the Vendor Order user permission or not. If they have the permission, they will have full access to the tool and can update the fulfillment option for a special order. If they do not, they will have "read only" access of the tool.

When a transfer has been picked, sent, or received, or the order has been received, the fulfillment option will be disabled for a SO in the SO Management Tool. This way a user cannot change the fulfillment assignment to something else when it is already in progress.

When using the SO Management Tool, users will see their selected lines turn a dark blue, active lines that they hover over in a light blue, and inactive lines that they hover over in a dark gray, to help keep track of the lines that they are reviewing.

The user will now be able to see the correctly calculated estimated arrival time for transfers and Trek purchase orders. The field will also include the estimated arrival type to let the user know what the date is based off. Note: This calculation will not appear for non-Trek supplier purchase orders.

The user will now have the ability to filter the special order lines to only show those that failed to be updated on the client when its session was submitted.

In the SO Management Tool, the submit button will now become inactive when the following occurs:

There is no current session (meaning no fulfillment options have been selected or changed or the session has already been submitted)

As soon as the submit button has been clicked, to inform the user that they do not have to click it again.

When a fulfillment option is being selected and has not fully saved to the session.

The user will now see special order lines appear on the Not Yet Ordered tab again, when the transfer request has been denied, so they can assign a new fulfillment option.

When using the SO Management Tool, the user will now see a yellow outline on the fulfillment dropdown box when they have changed a fulfillment and have not submitted the session yet.

The user will no longer have the ability to add the shipped and promise date columns via the column chooser. Instead, they will see one column for the estimated arrival date.

Translations for most locales will appropriately be displayed in Ascend HQ for the Special Orders Management Tool.

Cloud Product Catalog

Navigate to Products & Supplier Catalog Mapping to Associate a Supplier to Trek Catalog.

There is a new menu item Product under which you have Supplier Catalog Mapping, where you should associate a catalog to the supplier. With the March release we have only Trek Bicycle Corp supplier integrated with the Cloud Catalog.

Up to 15 products may be selected to Add to Order or Local Database.

A user can see the products in results which are existing in Local Database but are not selectable and greyed out and that be toggled to be hidden or shown.

Date Created Field is added to the Results Table.


Other items

Bikes will no longer incorrectly be included in the Average Work Order stat in the Retail Profit Machine widget on the Analytics tab in Ascend HQ.

October 2021

Software 21.5.127 / Database Schema 95.1 (no change from September 2021)

Ingenico iSC Touch 250 Device Configuration: 21.4.1 / Firmware: (no change from September 2021)

Ingenico Lane 7000 Device Configuration: 21.4.0 / Firmware: 6.81.9 (no change from September 2021)

Release Date: October 20th, 2021

Ascend RMS Client

(new) Inventory Adjustment Types are now shared across the multistore. This means that existing IAs, which were unique to each store, would be shared and duplicated if they were to be saved. Multistore locations - do not to edit any existing IA Types without contacting Ascend Support first. 

(new) (US and UK only) Offer financing for customer through the Klarna platform starting on October 21st, 2021.

(new) (International) Process customer orders using the Locally eCommerce platform.

(new) In Database ExplorerCustomers, there is a Show All button prompt when loading a large amount of records.

(new) For Vendor Orders, performance is improved in Database Explorer > Orders

(new) For Vendor Orders, Order Items’ margin data displays calculating until available while the rest of the screen loads.

(fixed) In a transaction, Serialized items that are returned by editing the quantity to negative (from 1 to -1) with in-cell editing remove the customer association with that serial number and does not continue to associate that item with the customer’s record.

September 2021

Software 21.4.167 / Database Schema 95.1 (change from June 2021 Hotfix 2)

Ingenico iSC Touch 250 Device Configuration: 21.4.1 / Firmware: (change from June 2021 Hotfix 2)

Ingenico Lane 7000 Device Configuration: 21.4.0 / Firmware: 6.81.9 (change from June 2021 Hotfix 2)

Release Date: September 21, 2021

Ascend HQ

(new) On the RPM Accuracy report, % of Bikes w/Accurate SNs calculation performance is improved. (multi-store retailers) When individual locations are selected, values display for only the selected locations.

(fixed) On the Service Analysis report, Labor/Hour includes Time Clock records whose total Duration is the same (e.g. if a user works 8.0 hours every day) and excludes records whose total Duration is 0.0 hours.

Ascend RMS Client

(new) In Database ExplorerProducts and Database ExplorerVendorsVendor Products, any additional filters applied are retained when exporting results.

(new) On the Check-In/Check-Out Transfers screens, Print/Print Preview includes all information displayed.

(new) When importing customers from a spreadsheet (Ascend DesktopFile menu > ImportCustomers) and no IDis entered:

The user is notified if the import fails and at which spreadsheet row the import completed successfully.

If a customer with FirstNameLastName, and Phone values (including spaces and other characters) which exactly match an existing customer, it is not imported.    
Note: To update existing customers, records must be exported with their ID values.

(new) (multi-store retailers) Products cannot be removed (hidden) or merged when they exist on an incomplete Vendor Order at another location.