Send inventory & pricing information to Locally

Written By Ascend knowledge base (Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Locally enables online shoppers to find, reserve, and purchase in-stock products from brand sites, Facebook, your website, and Send your inventory and pricing information from Ascend to easily update your inventory on Locally.

For more information on Locally, or for support, see or contact

Screenshot of Locally logo that is the word Locally in black and in light grey making an X

System Setup


  1. Claim and set up your Locally account.
  2. Set up your inventory feed via email.
    1. Log into your Locally retailer account.
    2. On the sidebar, click Inventory > Inventory Feed Setup.
      Screenshot of the Inventory menu with Inventory Feed Setup highlighted
    3. Click Email Method. The email address(es) for your inventory feed are automatically configured - (multi-store retailers) addresses for each location display in bold text.
      Screen shot that says "Upload & Manage Your Store Inventory" with Email Method higlighted


Schedule Locally Inventory & Pricing Feed in Ascend HQ

  1. Go to Ascend HQ > Settings
  2. Select Scheduled Reports and Exports
  3. Choose the Locally Inventory & Pricing Feed (default format is XLSX for Microsoft Excel and cannot be changed at this time)
  4. Choose Location (one allowed at a time)
  5. Enter Locally email address from Locally Store configuration
  6. Enter CC email address (if desired)
  7. Choose Frequency (most will choose Hourly)
  8. Test delivery of report (if desired)
  9. Save
Screenshot of Scheduled Report and Exports in Ascend HQ. Report/Export is set to Locally Inventory & Pricing... Format is set to XLSX. Locations is set to Dorne. Email is set to a generic email. Subject is Locally Inventory & Pricing Feed. Frequency is set to Hourly. There is a Save button and a Cancel button.
