Ascend HQ - Price Update Tool

Written By Ascend knowledge base (Administrator)

Updated at August 23rd, 2024

Price Update Tool in Ascend HQ simplifies your price update process.

It allows you to search your product catalog for any price changes, update the price in your system, and print new labels for the product you have on-hand.

Search for price updates from a particular supplier, store location, and time range and let the Price Update Tool do the work.

Use the supplier’s suggested information 
Before you get started! Take note: Updating supplier pricing will also overwrite other product information, such as supplier product descriptions and case quantities.

In Ascend HQ find Price Update Tool in the menu under Products.

Screenshot of Price Update Wizard highlighted on the left menu

Select or search the Supplier you want to see.

Screenshot of the search box for Supplier is highlighted

Select the store that has Inventory.

Screenshot of the dropdown menu to select a store

Finally select the time range you want to see when the price update has happened.

Screenshot of the dropdown for time range

Search For Price Updates

Once all the Criteria are selected click on the Check for Updates button. The price updates of all the products that have matching Vendor Products by part number and have not been updated after Cloud Catalog updates will be displayed. Quantity On Hand (QOH) of the selected locations will be displayed.

Screenshot of the price update tool with price updates and quantity on hand shown for 3 products

Features of the Price Update Results Form

All columns are sortable, re-orderable, re-sizable, and have filters underneath the header.

Column Chooser

The Results Form has a column selector to indicate which columns are displayed in the price update report. When the blue settings icon is clicked, a pop up will show where a column can be selected.

Columns of your choice can be added by clicking Column Chooser on the wheel button. All columns can be sorted, and columns have range slider.

Screenshot of the column chooser

Update Prices

Selecting the rows will enable the Update Price button. Clicking the button will update the price for the products that are not hidden and are available.

Screenshot of a box checked and highlighted next to one row. The Update Price button at the bottom of the screen is also highlighted

Updating Pricing of Selected Products

You have the option to download the updated products as a spreadsheet for reference.

Screenshot with the Download option circled

Desktop Tile

The Ascend desktop will display a notification when a product’s price is successfully updated. The Desktop Tile Price Updates will have a number that indicates the quantity of products that need to be labeled with the updated price.

Screenshot of Price Updates tile on the Ascend Desktop. It is blue with a number 3 in white with a red box around it in the upper right corner

The Price Updates Form can be accessed from Menu Options under the Tools tab.

The Tools dropdown is open and Price Updates is selected

Price Updates Label Form

The Price Updates Label Form has a list of products that have an updated price. All the columns are filterable.

Screenshot of the Price Updates Label Form window


Clicking on the Label will bring up the Print Dialog Form.

Screenshot of Print Barcode Label pop up

Screenshot of Price Barcode Label popup with a sample label showing

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