Advanced Payments
Ability to use a payment which was classified as “advanced.”
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Backup Database
Ability to manually back up the database.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Bookkeeping - Ascend HQ
Ability to Accounting Integrations - additional reports.
Cash to Deposit
Ability to manually Enter Cash to Deposit or perform Cash Reconciliation for a workstation.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Ability to manage categories, or to assign a product to a category.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Ability to assign a commission rate or spiff value to a product record.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Cost View - DBExplorer / Cloud Catalog
Ability to view cost information in the Database Explorer and Cloud Catalog tool.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Cost View - Sales Discount Window
Ability to view cost information in a transaction's Discount Calculator dialog box (keyboard F9).
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Cost View - Trek Order Grids
Ability to view cost information in the Order Grids screen. Note: To restrict the viewing of cost in the Sale and Work Order screens, disable the Products / Vendor Products - Edit permission.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Customer Groups - Add/Edit
Ability to fully manage Customer Groups and their memberships.
Recommended permission for administrators.
Customer Groups - Add/Remove Members From Customer Record
Ability to manage (from the Customer Editor) Customer Groups in which a customer is a member.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Customer Groups - View
Ability to view Customer Groups and their memberships.
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
Ability to manage customer information and records.
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
Database Explorer
Ability to access the Database Explorer screen (keyboard F4).
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
Deposits, Layaways, Rentals, Quotes and Work Orders
Ability to view, add, and edit the following transaction types:
- Deposits
- Layaways
- Rentals (the transaction created from a Reservation - this permission does not control the ability to manage Reservations)
- Quotes
- Work Orders
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
Desktop Cash Drawer
Ability to open the cash drawer outside of a transaction (keyboard F9).
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Discounts - Manage Reasons
Ability to manage Options > Sales and Returns > Discounts > Reasons.
Recommended permission for administrators
ecommerce Import
Ability to set up ecommerce Import in Options.
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers.
Employee Time Clock - Punch Out
Ability to punch out any user who is currently punched in. Note: All employees are able to punch themselves out.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Import/Export Data
Ability to import/export data records, including:
- Vendor product records (a product's ordering information)
- In-store product records (a product's inventory information)
- Customer records (contact information)
- QuickBooks® General Ledger Summary files (accounting information for a specified date range)
- Product file for the inventory scanner
- Scan files for inventory reconciliation
Recommended permission for administrators & managers. Note: This permission is not included in the Manager permission level preset.
Integration - Trek Bike / Parts Grids
Ability to access Trek Order Grids.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Inventory Adjustment Types - Edit
Ability to edit the QuickBooks® account assigned to an inventory adjustment type (e.g. Donation, Shop-Use, Warranty Resolution, etc.).
Note: Use manual inventory adjustments to record when a product is removed from or added to inventory outside the standard practices of ordering, receiving, and selling product. Examples of inventory adjustments include product donations, shop use, and designating products for internal store use.
Recommended permission for administrators.
Inventory Adjustment Types - View
Ability to view all inventory adjustments types currently in your system.
Note: Use manual inventory adjustments to record when a product is removed from or added to inventory outside the standard practices of ordering, receiving, and selling product. Examples of inventory adjustments include product donations, shop use, and designating products for internal store use.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Inventory Adjustments - Add
Ability to Manually Create an Inventory Adjustment.
Note: Use manual inventory adjustments to record when a product is removed from or added to inventory outside the standard practices of ordering, receiving, and selling product. Examples of inventory adjustments include product donations, shop use, and designating products for internal store use.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Inventory Adjustments - View
Ability to view inventory adjustments which were previously entered into the system.
Note: Use manual inventory adjustments to record when a product is removed from or added to inventory outside the standard practices of ordering, receiving, and selling product. Examples of inventory adjustments include product donations, shop use, and designating products for internal store use.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Ability to view, add, and Edit kits. Note: Kits are used to sell multiple products under a single promotional price, e.g. an” x for the price of y “sale (two pairs of socks for the price of one).
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Linking and Merging
Ability to manually Merge one database record into another record (e.g. duplicate records for a single product exist; one record must be manually merged into the other record), and to re-categorize products in mass using Link in DBEX.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Ability to manage store contact information. Note: This information is printed at the top of receipts. This information is automatically shared between locations.
Recommended permission for administrators.
Ability to manage items in the Messages pane When activated, this pane displays at the bottom of the Ascend Desktop. Note: To activate the Messages pane: From the Ascend Desktop, select the View menu > Messages.
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
Ability to access all functions which deal with integrating multiple locations.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers
Multi-Store - Remote Product Lookup Only
Ability to only view product quantities at another store location. Restricts access to all other multi-store functions.
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
Multi-Store - Transfers Check-in
Ability to check products which were received from another store location into inventory. Restricts access to all other multi-store functions.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Multi-Store - Transfers Check-Out
Ability to check products out of inventory for transfer to another store location. Restricts access to all other multi-store functions.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Payment Types
Ability to manage payment types which can be applied to transactions.
Recommended permission for administrators.
Ability to manage payouts.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Products / Vendor Products - Add/Edit Master Data
Ability to manage information in the Master Data section of the Product Editor, which is shared between all store locations (e.g. Description, UPC, SKU, Category, Brand) and adding products from within the Cloud Catalog.
Note: These permissions do not control the modification of product records by import of Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet. Use the Import/Export Data permission to manage user modification of product information using Microsoft® Excel spreadsheets.
Recommended permission for administrators.
Products / Vendor Products - Edit Local Data
Ability to manage information in the General or store tab of the Product Editor, which can be configured separately at each store location (e.g. MSRP, Commission, Min/Max).
These permissions do not control the modification of product records by import of Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet. Use the Import/Export Data permission to manage user modification of product information using Microsoft® Excel spreadsheets.
Recommended permission for administrators.
Products / Vendor Products - Edit Remote Data
Ability to manage store-specific information for other locations in the Multi-Store tab of the Product Editor (e.g. MSRP, Commission, Min/Max).
Recommended permission for administrators.
Products / Vendor Products - View Only
Ability to view (but not manage) an existing product record.
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
Promotion - Add / Edit
Ability to manage sales promotions.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers
Promotion - View
Ability to view sales promotions.
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
Purchase on Account - Edit Customer Eligibility
Ability to update customer account (Purchase on Account) status.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Purchase on Account - Manage Accounts
Ability to access and manage customer accounts (Purchase on Account).
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Purchase on Account - View Accounts
Allows users to view, but not edit, customer account information such as account status, credit limit, credit remaining, outstanding transactions, etc.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Reconcile Inventory
Allows users to reconcile inventory in Inventory Center.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Remove / Restore Data
Ability to remove or restore records stored in the database.
Note: Users must have this permission in order to remove items from a sale.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Reporting - Advanced Power BI
Allows users access to Ascend Lead Lists.
Recommended permission for administrators & mangers.
Reporting - Ascend HQ
Allows users to access the Ascend HQ Analytics Metrics reporting platform.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Reporting - Customer/Product Query Tools
Ability to create custom reports based on customer sales history and the product information stored in your system. Excellent tool for analyzing customer purchases for targeted advertising.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Ability to access ALL built-in reports.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Reports – Advanced SQL Query
Ability to run queries which edit data (queries which do not begin with SELECT).
Note: This permission is NOT checked for any users or included in any user template lists. Do not run queries which were not provided by Ascend Support. Improperly written SQL commands can cause serious damage your system. Always run a backup before running any SQL query. Poorly executed SQL commands could damage your system.
Reports - End of Day Only
Ability to access only built-in reports in the End of Day section.
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
Reports - Export
Ability to export report information.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Reports - Online Reports - All
Reports – SQL Query
Ability to run custom SQL queries (custom reports AND built-in reports with an orange icon).
Note: Do not run queries which were not provided by Ascend Support. Improperly written SQL commands can cause serious damage your system. Always run a backup before running any SQL query. Poorly executed SQL commands could damage your system.
Recommended permission for administrators.
Reprint Signature Receipt
Ability to reprint a customer’s signature receipt (Credit Card, Financing, etc.).
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Reservations - Edit Remote Data
Ability to manage customer Reservations created at another location.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Reservations - Manage
Ability to add, edit, or remove customer Reservations.
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
Reservations - Manage Collections
Ability to add, edit, or remove reservation Collections.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Reservations - Manage Rates
Ability to add, edit, or remove Rental Rate Programs and Rental Items.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Reservations - Manage Resources
Ability to add, edit, or remove Rental Products and Rental Items.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Reservations - Override
Ability to adjust check in and check out dates and times on open Reservations.
Recommended permission for administrators.
Sales - Add
Ability create new Sales or Return transactions (keyboard F6 or F7).
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
Note: The Deposits, Layaways, Quotes and Work Orders user permission is required to manage other transaction types.
Sales - Associate Special Orders
Ability to associate special orders to an existing order item.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Sales - Edit
Ability to manage Sales or Return transactions.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Note: The Deposits, Layaways, Quotes and Work Orders user permission is required to manage other transaction types.
Sales - View
Ability to view previously created Sales or Return transactions.
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
Note: The Deposits, Layaways, Quotes and Work Orders user permission is required to manage other transaction types.
Ability to access the Scheduler (Ascend’s basic calendar feature).
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
Serialization - Add
Ability to add product serial numbers.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Serialization - Edit
Ability to Edit product serial numbers. Note: Assign this permission to all mechanics.
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
Serialization - View
Ability to view (but not manage) serial numbers previously entered in the system. Note: Assign this permission to all mechanics.
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
System Tools
Ability to access advanced system functions:
- Database uploads to Ascend support
- Options
- Technician Settings
- Ascend HQ API integrators management
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Tax - Edit Base Tax Rates
Allows users to activate a new Sales Tax Rate or edit an existing Sales Tax Rate.
Recommended permission for administrators.
Taxation - Edit Customer Tax Exceptions
Allows users to configure Customer Tax Exceptions. These reasons can then be selected when a customer is granted a tax exception.
Recommended permission for administrators.
Tax - Sales Item Tax Override
Ability to override the default tax rate on items at the time of purchase.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Time Clock
Ability to manage time clock entries for all employees.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Trek Credit Card Application
This permission is currently inactive and does not apply to Citizens or Ascend Pay.
Update Ascend
Ability to install a new version of Ascend.
Recommended permission for administrators.
Users - Create Local Users
Multi-store retailers: Ability to create system user accounts (employees) which are assigned to the current location.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Users - Edit Local User Permissions
Multi-store retailers: Ability to manage permissions for system user accounts (employees) which are assigned to the current location.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Users - Master User
Ability to add, edit, or remove system user accounts (employees). (multi-store retailers) Ability to manage permissions for users assigned to any location, and ability to manage which locations a user is assigned to.
Recommended permission for administrators.
Vendor Orders
Ability to manage vendor orders (purchase orders). Note: Users also need the Database Explorer permission to access orders to receive.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Vendor Updates
This permission is currently inactive. This permission does not control the ability to add and update products via spreadsheet - the Import/Export Data is required for this function.
Ability to manage contact records for vendors.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Ability to remove integrated Chase credit or gift card payments from a transaction.
- Payments can only be removed the same day they were taken. Debit and non-integrated Credit card payments cannot be removed.
- If you are an Ascend Pay customer please contact Ascend Support to process any voids.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
This permission is currently inactive.
Work Order Scheduling Override
Ability override the maximum number of work orders scheduled for a single day. Note: This permission is only needed if you are not using time based work order scheduling.
Recommended permission for administrators & managers.
Zip Codes
Ability to manage the customer Zip Code list. Note: When a ZIP/Postal Code is entered in the Customer Editor, City is automatically entered.
Recommended permission for administrators.
HQ Permissions
HQ | Read ecommerce
Ascend HQ permission. Allows Integrator to request websale statuses and receive websale updates through Ascend ecommerce API webhooks.
HQ | Read Product
Ascend HQ permission. Allows Integrators to obtain inventory levels, prices, and receive updates through Ascend ecommerce API webhooks.
HQ | Write ecommerce
Ascend HQ permission. Allows Integrator to send ecommerce sales directly to your Ascend app.
Setting Maximum Discount
Maximum Discount (located under permissions box)
Highest percentage an employee is allowed to manually discount a transaction.
Note: By default, a discount percentage of 0% is assigned when a new user is added; the employee cannot apply any amount of discount to a transaction. Promotional discounts (e.g. sales promotions, Customer Group pricing) are automatically applied, regardless of an employee's Maximum Discount.
At 0%, an employee cannot discount a transaction at all.
At 100%, an employee can apply any discount amount to the transaction.
Recommended permission for administrators, managers, & cashiers (sales & service).
