Service - Create a Work Order

Written By Ascend knowledge base (Administrator)

Updated at August 20th, 2024

Creating the repair/service

There are two easy ways to start a new work order.

  • From the Ascend Desktop, click the Work Order tile.
    Screenshot of the Work Order icon, it is dark blue with a plus sign and a wrench
  • From the Work Orders Due/Ready for Pick-up screen, click the Add button (on the toolbar).
    Screenshot of toolbar with Add icon highlighted

On the Enter Serial Number prompt, scan or type the serial number associated with the repair item and click OK. If the serial number was sold through Ascend, the appropriate customer is automatically associated with the work order and repair.

Screenshot of the Enter Serial Number prompt

If the item doesn’t have a serial number, you’re creating the work order prior to the customer brining the item into the store, or the serial number on the product wasn’t recognized (above), click Cancel, then search for the appropriate customer.

If you scanned a recognized serial number, the CustomerSerial #, and Description fields automatically populate.

If you only chose the customer, you’ll need to choose or create the repair item.
Note: If you're assembling an item for a customer, DO NOT create a new repair item. See Assemble a product for a customer (bike builds) for details.

If the product was serialized and sold or previously serviced through Ascend, just click the Description drop-down and choose the appropriate item.

Screenshot of Work Order Details with Description drop-down open

If the item doesn’t exist there, click the plus icon to add a new repair item. Enter a meaningful Description (e.g. Trek Skye Purple Lotus 18.5-29 instead of Purple MTB), Serial Number (if applicable), and Where Purchased (if desired). Then click Save.

Screenshot of Customer Repair Item window

Note: While a repair item is not required, it’s best to enter one for all repairs and service so that the technicians can quickly identify what they’re working on.

From the Contact Preferred drop-down, select the customer’s contact preference.

  • When ALL REPAIRS are complete: Do not notify the customer until all repairs (Work Order Details) on the transaction have been completed.
  • When THIS REPAIR is completed: Notify the customer as soon as this repair is completed.

In the Call If Over field, enter the maximum amount quoted to the customer for the repair. Technicians should contact the customer for approval if they believe the repair will require more service than quoted.

Check Save Old Parts if your store (or the customer) wishes to retain parts removed from the repair item. If the product is new and needs to be put together, check Assemble Item.

Scan or enter all required parts and labor/service SKUs. Ticket # automatically populates, and a Subtotal displays all entered items without tax calculated. If you’ve configured Estimated Times for your SKUs, the number of minutes automatically populates in the Est. Time field – this field may also be manually overridden if you feel that the repair will take longer than a standard repair of its type.

In Internal Notes, enter as much detail as possible about the customers concerns and expectations. There’s no character limit for this field. Check Print Internal Notes on Sales Receipt to print this information on both the customer’s receipt and the ticket for the service technicians.

If you’re scheduling work orders only by the number your technicians can finish in a day, enter the date and time the customer expects the repair to be done by in the Due Date field. If a specific technician will be working on the repair, select them from the Technician drop-down.

The Advisor drop-down automatically populates with the user who created the repair. However, if someone else discussed the initial repair and estimate with the customer, select their name.

Select an appropriate status (e.g. Waiting for customer) from the Status drop-down and the location of the repair item in the Space drop-down. Spaces which display in italic orange text are in use on another repair and cannot be selected. Spaces which display in italic blue are in use on a serial number and may be used, if the items are the same. To clear the value from the Space field, click the minus icon next to the field.

If the repair should be prioritized ahead of other work, check Important.

If the repair is associated with a manufacturer's replacement, check Warranty.

Click Save & Print to print a copy of the ticket to attached to the repair item.

Screenshot of Work Order Details tab

If the customer has more than one repair they’ll be paying for, there’s no need to create multiple transactions. Click the arrow next to the WO Detail button (on the toolbar) and select Add New Work Order Details.

Screenshot of WO Detail icon with Add New Work Order Details selected in the dropdown.

You’ll again be prompted for the serial number – scan or enter it is available, or click Cancel. The customer who owns the bike doesn’t need to be the same as the initial customer – if necessary, click the magnifying glass icon next to the Customer field and associate the correct customer.

All repair items and tax totals display on the transaction screen. Take payment according to your store’s down payment policy – but if you’re taking full payment, be sure to click the Keep Open button on the toolbar to ensure the work order doesn’t get lost!

Screenshot of Keep Open icon highlighted

Updating the repair/service

From Work Orders Due, double-click the repair item. The repair’s Work Order Details automatically open.

To begin tracking the time spent working on the repair, click the play icon next to the Timer field. The timer continues to run when Work Order Details is closed. To end time tracking, click the stop icon next to the Timer field. The Actual Time field automatically updates.

Add any additional SKUs and/or Internal Notes. Change Status as needed. Actual Time may also be manually updated.

When you’re done, click Save (or Save & Print, if you want a new copy of the ticket).

Completing the repair/service

From Work Orders Due, double-click the repair item. The repair’s Work Order Details automatically open.

After making any final updates, check Completed, then click Save.

Screenshot of Work Order Details window with Completed box checked

If you’ve selected to automatically notify customers on work order completion, an email and/or SMS (text) message displays to send based on your selection for Contact Preferred. Leave the default text or enter your own.

The transaction remains open until the customer returns to pick up the item(s) and pays in full.

Customer pickup

Access work orders that are marked Complete but have not yet been finished (closed).

  • On the Ascend Desktop, click the WO Ready tile.
    Screenshot of WO Ready icon. It is blue with a check mark and a wrench.
  • From the Ascend Desktop, select the View menu > Work Orders Ready for Pick-up.
    Screenshot of the View menu with Work Orders Ready for Pick-up selected
  • From the Work Orders Due screen, select Ready for Pick-up from the Work Orders drop-down.
    Screenshot of the Work Orders drop-down

Double-click the repair item. The repair’s Work Order Details automatically open.

If a second user gives the repair item a once-over to ensure nothing was missed, select that user from the Checked By drop-down. When you’re done, click Save.

Now you can finish the transaction as normal.

Additional Resources
