Products - Create / Use Kit SKU (Discounting by Quantity Purchased)

Written By Ascend knowledge base (Administrator)

Updated at December 2nd, 2024

Kits are used to sell specific products that are bundled together using a single SKU. For example, configure a kit if the customer is required to buy the advertised quantity of product (e.g. buy one, get one half price).

When a kit is sold, only the discounted products display on the customer’s receipt.

Create Kit SKU

  1. From the Ascend Desktop, select the View menu > Kits.
    Screenshot with View menu open and Kits selected
  2. On the toolbar, click the Add button. The Add Kit dialog box displays.
    Screenshot of Kits window with Add button highlighted
  3. In the Description field, enter a description for the bundled products.
    Note: This name does not display receipts, so make it something meaningful to your employees.
  4. SKU is automatically generated based on the entered description, but can be overwritten.
    Note: Enter an easy to remember value in the SKU field, e.g. 2FOR1SOCKKits cannot be searched by description.
  5. (optional) Click the Print Barcode button to generate a product label for scanning.
  6. Click the Save button.
    Screenshot of Add Kit window

Add products to kit

  1. In the upper pane, select the kit's name.
  2. In the lower pane, click the Add button (on the toolbar). The Add Kit Item dialog box displays.
    Screenshot of Kits window with Add button highlighted
  3. In the In-Store Product field, search for the product by descriptionSKU, or UPC.
  4. Click the Search button. Results matching the search display.
  5. From the results, select the product that should be included in the kit.
  6. In the Price field, enter the price of each item, as it should be sold in the kit.
    Note: The price of all items and their quantities in the kit are used to determine the total price of kit.
  7. In the Quantity field, enter the number of products that are sold in the kit.
  8. Click the Save button.
    Screenshot of Add Kit Item window

Example 1: Three pairs of socks for the price of two pairs

The price of two pairs is $21.98 (regular price=$10.99 x 2).

To achieve the sale price of $21.98, use this kit configuration:

  • Kit Item 1: Quantity of 1, price of $7.32
  • Kit Item 2: Quantity of 2, price of $7.33

Screenshot of Kit Items

Example 2: Buy one pair of socks and get a second for half price

The price of one pair is $10.99.

To achieve the sale price of $16.50, use Quantity 2, price $8.25.

Screenshot of Kit Items
