Ascend HQ - RPM Accuracy metrics

Written By Ascend knowledge base (Administrator)

Updated at August 23rd, 2024

The RPM Accuracy report on Ascend HQ lets you see how well your store adheres to Ascend’s key best practices, which will keep your Retail Profit Machine running smoothly and help you get the most of your system. Following best practices means your processes will be as efficient as possible and frees up your time to focus on selling.

Green cards indicate your store meets or exceeds the minimum benchmark value, while orange cards indicate work is needed. Values are based on the 30 days prior to running the report and refresh overnight.
Note: This report CANNOT be run for a custom date range, but (multi-store retailers) CAN be run for individual locations.

All values are based on finished (closed) transactions.

Access this report from either the Reports section or just click the target icon on the Analytics Retail Profit Machine metric.

Overall Score

Total point score for all metrics, out of a maximum of 100.

Percent of Bikes Received with Serial Number

The updated field will reflect the percentage of your bikes that were serialized at the time of receiving in within the last 30 days.

15 points are awarded for 95% or more.

Bikes with Inaccurate Serial Numbers

Total number of products assigned to a Bikes category (i.e. top parent category contains Bikes or Bicycles) where the total number of unsold serial numbers does not match the product’s Quantity.

Total Variance SN to QoH

Total difference between the count of (unsold) serial numbers associated with a product and its Quantity.
Note: This metric uses an “absolute” value – this is strictly the total difference in values and indicates neither positive or negative variances (whether bike Quantity to serial number is higher or lower). Products which have a negative Quantity are NOT included.

% of Products Sold w/Category

Total value (sales dollars - Quantity times Price) for sale items which are assigned to a category divided by total value of all sales items, multiplied by 100.

In Ascend, use Reports > In-Store Products > Products Sold with No Category to determine products to investigate.

10 points are awarded for 95% or more.

# of Units Sold w/o Category

Total Quantity of sales items which are NOT assigned to a category.

Combined Sales $ of Items

Total value (sales dollars - Quantity times Price) for sale items which are NOT assigned to a category.

% of Labor Charges on WOs

Total value (sales dollars - Quantity times Price) for sale items which are assigned to a Labor category (i.e. top parent category contains Labor or Labour) and were added to the Work Order Details screen divided by total value of all sales items assigned to a Labor category, multiplied by 100.

20 points are awarded for 90% or more.

Labor $ Not Associated to a WO

Total value (sales dollars - Quantity times Price) for sale items which are assigned to a Labor category (i.e. top parent category contains Labor or Labour) and are NOT assigned to a Work Order Detail (repair).

Labor $ Associated to a WO

Total value (sales dollars - Quantity times Price) for sale items which are assigned to a Labor category (i.e. top parent category contains Labor or Labour) and are assigned to a Work Order Detail (repair).

NPS Sample Size

Customers assigned to transactions who have an email address entered divided by total transactions, multiplied by 100.

In Ascend, use the Customer Query utility to determine customers without an email address entered. Article: Create customer and product queries 

10 points are awarded for 75% or more.

# of Emails Addresses Collected

Total number of customers assigned to transactions who have an Email Address entered. (Declined checkbox does not affect this metric).

Emails Needed to Reach 75%

Number of transactions assigned to a customer with an Email Address entered needed to meet the goal value.

% of Uncommitted Negative Inventory

Total cost value (Quantity times Average Cost – or Estimated Cost, if Average is $0.00) for products with a negative Quantity which are NOT marked as a special order divided by total cost value for all products with a Quantity (positive OR negative), multiplied by 100.

In Ascend, use Reports > Inventory > Negative Inventory to determine products to investigate.

15 points are awarded for 1% or less.

Potential Shrink Dollars

Total cost value (Quantity times Average Cost – or Estimated Cost, if Average is $0.00) for products with a negative Quantity which are NOT marked as a special order.

Likely Days in Stock

Av. DIS (from the Analytics Retail Profit Machine metric) reduced by the % of Uncommitted Negative Inventory value.
Note: For example, if Av. DIS is 180 days and 5% is uncommitted negative inventory, this value is 171 (180 minus 9).

% of Sales w/Time Clock Records

Total value (sales dollars - Quantity times Price) for sales items on a transaction where the Sales Person (selected in the Sales Person dropdown menu) is associated with Time Clock records divided by total value of all sales items, multiplied by 100.

30 points are awarded for 95% or more.

Sales $ w/o Time Clock Records

Total value (sales dollars - Quantity times Price) for sales items on a transaction where the Sales Person (selected in the Sales Person dropdown menu) does not have any Time Clock records.

Adjusted Sales/Hour

Sales/Hour (from the Analytics Retail Profit Machine metric) adjusted to include the estimated hours unaccounted for in the Time Clock.

  • Adjusted Hours: Sales $ without Time-Clock Records divided by Sales/Hour
  • Estimated Hours: Total hours logged in the Time Clock plus Adjusted Hours.
  • Final value: Total sales dollars divided by Estimated Hours

Note: For example, if Sales/Hour is $74, total Sales is $31,282Time Clock hours is 422, and Sales $ w/o Time Clock Records is $7,525, this value is $60 (Adjusted Hours 102 and Estimated Hours 524).

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