User Management - Manage Roles and Permissions

Written By Kristina Florin (Collaborator)

Updated at March 4th, 2025

The HQ User Management Tool is available beginning March 4, 2025. Effective May 5, 2025, User Management will no longer be available in the Ascend client. After this date, it will be managed exclusively through Ascend HQ.


Using the User Management tool, you can design roles tailored to your business needs and manage the permissions assigned to each role.

Log into Ascend HQ with proper User Admin Credentials.

Navigating Roles

Once logged into Ascend HQ, Select Management > Users > Roles.

View Format

From within Roles you can switch your view between Table and Card format.

Search Roles

You can search for Roles by Name or Permissions.

Search by Name with return any Role containing your Search parameters.

Search by Permissions will return any Roles associated with the permission(s) you are searching. 

Select the Search by Permissions dropdown and tick the box next to the desired permission(s) to perform your search.

Create Roles

  1. From Roles, Click on Create New Role.

  1. Enter the Role: Name, Initials, and Description. 

  1. Select the Permissions you want the role to be assigned > Click Save.

Edit Roles

Permission updates applied after Editing

When you edit the Permissions linked to a specific user Role, saving the changes will update the permissions for all Users who have that Role assigned to their User Profile.

If extra Permissions have been granted to a User Profile beyond the preassigned Role, those permissions will remain unchanged and intact.

For instance, if a User profile is assigned to Cashier 1 Role and is also granted the additional permission of Cash to Deposit, any updates made to the Cashier 1 Role will be applied to the User profile. However, the User will retain the extra Cash to Deposit permission.

  1. Search for the Role that you would like to edit.
  2. Click View Role to open the role.

  1. From the Edit Role screen make desired edits to the role.
  2. Click Save.

If the Role is assigned to a User record(s), you will receive a notification alerting you to the number of User records will be updated. Click OK to continue and save the edits.

Assign Roles to User Profiles

  1. Manage Users > Users > Select the User you want to assign the Role to.
  2. Click Profile & Permissions.

  1. From Edit User, Select Roles & Permissions (located under the User name).

  1. Click Roles to assign the User profile as specific Role.
  2. Select the Role.
  3. Click Save.

After clicking Save you will be brought back to Manage Users.

Can I see permissions assigned to a User profile that are not part of a specific Role?

From Edit User > Permissions you will see the name of the Role the permission is associated with displayed after the permission.