Ascend HQ - Category Analysis metrics

Written By Ascend knowledge base (Administrator)

Updated at August 23rd, 2024

The Category Analysis report allows you to compare month- and year-to-date sales and inventory performance from year to year.

This report replaces the Analytics Category Health Summary report.

Note: Inventory data prior to April 1, 2019 is not available and HQ only keeps category data for a rolling 3 years. 


The category the product is currently assigned to. Historical category assignments are not saved – if the product was in a different category at the time of sale, this is not retained.

Parent categories can be expanded or collapsed to display the desired level of children. All totals include child categories.

Month to Date

Note: These values are always as of the current date – a custom date range cannot be selected.

Sales: Total value (sales dollars, excluding tax) of transactions which were finished (closed) from the first of the month to the current date.

PYSales value for the same date range last year.

% Change: This year’s Sales minus last year’s, divided by PY.

MarginProfit (Sales minus COGS) divided by Sales, multiplied by 100.

PYMargin value for the same date range last year.

% Change: This year’s Margin minus last year’s, divided by PY.

Year to Date

Note: These values are always as of the current date – a custom date range cannot be set.

Sales: Total value (sales dollars, excluding tax) of transactions which were finished (closed) from January 1 to the current date.

PYSales value for the same date range last year.

% Change: This year’s Sales minus last year’s, divided by PY.

MarginProfit (Sales minus COGS) divided by Sales, multiplied by 100.

PYMargin value for the same date range last year.

% Change: This year’s Margin minus last year’s, divided by PY.

Selected date range

By default, the past 365 days are selected. Click the calendar icon to select a different date range. If Inventory data does not exist for that date range, the report will default to the start date where inventory data exists.
Note: Inventory values are available through yesterday. Inventory values prior to April 1, 2019 are not tracked. Additionally, Ascend HQ only keeps category data for a rolling 3 years. 

Sales: Total value (sales dollars, excluding tax) of transactions which were finished (closed) within the selected date range.

PYSales value for the same date range last year.

% Change: This year’s Sales minus last year’s, divided by PY.

MarginProfit (Sales minus COGS) divided by Sales, multiplied by 100.

PYMargin value for the same date range last year.

% Change: This year’s Margin minus last year’s, divided by PY.

Avg. DIS: Total number of days in the selected date range divided by Turns.
Note: Avg DIS is NOT an average of the Remaining DIS metric.

Turns: Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) divided by Average Inventory
Note: Average Inventory = (beginning date inventory value plus ending date inventory value) / 2

As of date

By default, yesterday’s date is selected. Click the calendar icon to select a different date.
Note: Inventory values are available through yesterday. Inventory values prior to April 1, 2019 are not tracked.

Inventory: Total Cost value of all products in stock (items on layaways, work orders, and pending transfers in are excluded).
Note: Product costs are calculated as follows: Average Cost is used when available; if no Average Cost exists or is $0.00Last Cost is used; if neither Average Cost or Last Cost exist or are $0.00Estimated Cost is used.

Units: Total Quantity of all products in stock (items on layaways, work orders, and pending transfers in are excluded).

Remaining DIS: The estimated number of days the current inventory will last if it sells at the same rate it did last year. Inventory value divided by last year’s average daily value for the upcoming 90 days (total COGS value from the last year for tomorrow’s date through 90 days, divided by 90).
Note: In Ascend Analytics, this value was known as Actual DIS.

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