Lead Lists: Recommended Plays - Bike Buyers

Written By CJ Edwards (Collaborator)

Updated at August 14th, 2024

Before you begin

For a comprehensive review of Lead Lists on Ascend HQ, check out our overview article found here. 

For technical details on how to use the tool, check this out! 



These plays are aimed at customers who have purchased bikes (kind of obvious, right?). 

Use the Envelope in the Contact Email column to email one customer at a time.  

To send emails to a group of customers:

  1. Export the list using the More Options […] button on the top right of the results.  
  2. Copy the Email Address column from Excel.  
  3. Paste the list into whatever email service you like to use.

Focus Leads

Use the Focused button to highlight customers who are likely to purchase certain products based on AI and relevant census data.  The Focused Product will be highlighted in The Play box.

Note:  Focused Products are currently pulled from Trek data.  We are looking to expand this feature to include other suppliers in the future.

Focused Leads | Summer 2024 Play 1: Madone Gen 8

Use the Focused button to highlight customers who are likely to purchase certain products based on AI and relevant census data.  The Focused Product will be highlighted in The Play box.

  • Objective: 
    • Reach committed road cyclists most likely to purchase a Madone Gen 8. 
  • Filters: 
    • Purchase Window: 1-5 years
  • Communication template:
    • Subject: 
      • New Madone in-store now!
    • Body: 
      • Hi [Name], I hope your riding is going well.  As one of our road customers I wanted to let you know that our new Generation 8 Madone has been launched and we have stock! The new Madone is crazy fast, super light and starts at a great price, with our carbon SL5 coming in at $3499. Let me know if you want to pop in to see it, go for a demo ride or talk to us about how your next ride could be a Gen 8! Learn more here: https://www.trekbikes.com/madone See you soon!

Bike Buyer Play 1: Post Purchase Thank You

  • Objective: 
    • Thank recent bike purchasers for choosing you. Check in to see if their bike is working well, if they’ve been able to ride, and if they have any questions.
  • Filters: 
    • Purchase Window: < 30 days
  • Communication template:
    • Subject: 
      • [Name], how's your new bike? Share your experience!
    • Body: 
      • Just calling to say thanks and to see how your 1st few rides are going. I hope you’ve been able to get some miles in and are loving your new bike! Please give me a call back to let me know how it’s going so far and let me know if you’ve got any questions or could use any ride or route advice. Thanks again! 

Bike Buyer Play 2: Invitation to a Group Ride

  • Objective: 
    • Help new bike owners start riding by making them comfortable. List upcoming group rides, match each ride with suitable bikes and riders, and send personalized invites.
  • Filters: 
    • Purchase Window: 0-1 Years
  • Communication template:
    • Subject: 
      • [Name], you're invited! Join our group ride
    • Body: 
      • Hi [Name]! We hope you are enjoying your new [bike model customer purchased]. I wanted to reach out to personally invite you to a group ride we have coming up. It is on [date, time and location]. You can find more information about the event here [website link to event]. If you have any questions about the ride, or want a different ride recommendation, please reach out. Hope to see you again soon. 

Bike Buyer Play 3: The All New ____ is Here! 

  • Objective: 
    • Notify customers of older bike models about the availability and features of new generation bikes when they launch and are in stock.
  • Filters: 
    • Bike Description: Type in specific models or sizes and hit Enter.
    • Purchase Window: 1-5 years 
    • Bike Category: Select the bike category for the previous generation bike model or a similar category you'd like to connect with.
    • Bike Price: All
  • Communication template:
    • Subject: 
      • [Name], check out the new features on your [Bike Model]
    • Body: 
      • Hi [Name]. I wanted to let you know that a new generation of your [bike] is out and has some big upgrades from what you’re riding now. The new bike has [major upgrade], that will [benefit of new upgrade vs. old bike], along with some other cool upgrades and new colors. We’ve got one in stock now in your size. Let me know if you’d like to check it out. First ride is always free, and we do take trade ins. 


While we provide general guidance on utilizing your data, you are responsible for using these tools in accordance with your local laws.  We are not responsible for any misuse.  In other words, the tools provide you with a list of customers based on your data, but you are responsible for making sure you have the appropriate permission to contact the customers and for contacting consumers in an appropriate way.  Non-compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and other data protection laws can result in significant penalties and legal costs (and a crummy customer experience). If you have any questions about responsible data handling, please consult with a legal professional.