Sales - Selling Products From Existing Backorders

Written By Ascend knowledge base (Administrator)

Updated at September 11th, 2024

Note: Users must have the Sales - Associate Special Orders permission for this feature. See All about the Ascend User permissions for more information.

On the transaction

Treat the sale as a Special Order (see Handle Special Order items). On the Special Order dialog box, the Associate to Purchase Order option is active when an unassigned/unreceived order item exists with a quantity sufficient to fill the customer’s purchase – select the desired order from the dropdown. The vendor/supplier name, PO Number, order status, and date the order was submitted (or created, if the order is not yet submitted) display.

Screenshot of Special Order window with Associate to Purchase Order option checked and dropdown next to it expanded

On the Items to Order dialog box

If an unassigned/unreceived order item exists with a quantity sufficient to fill the customer’s purchase, the Available Order field is highlighted in yellow.

Screenshot of Items to Order window with Available Order field highlighted in yellow

Click in the column to select the desired order from the dropdown. The vendor/supplier name, PO Number, order status, and date the order was submitted (or created, if the order is not yet submitted) display.

Screenshot with the Available Order dropdown open

When special orders and vendor orders are assigned as desired, click the Map Special Orders button to save the assignments.

Screenshot with the Map Special Orders button highlighted

On the vendor/supplier order

If an unassigned special order item exists with a quantity in which the order item quantity is sufficient to fill the customer’s purchase, the Transaction field is highlighted in yellow.

Screenshot of the Vendor Order window with Transaction field highlighted in yellow

Click in the column to select the desired special order from the dropdown. The customer name, transaction type, and date the transaction was created display.

Screenshot with an item highlighted and the dropdown under Transaction expanded
