Lead Lists: Recommended Plays - Quote

Written By CJ Edwards (Collaborator)

Updated at August 15th, 2024

Before you begin

For a comprehensive review of Lead Lists on Ascend HQ, check out our overview article found here. 

For technical details on how to use the tool, check this out! 



These plays are for customers who have open quotes and how you can help close them!

Use the Envelope in the Contact Email column to email one customer at a time.  

To send emails to a group of customers:

  1. Export the list using the More Options […] button on the top right of the results.  
  2. Copy the Email Address column from Excel.  
  3. Paste the list into whatever email service you like to use.

Quote Play 1: Compare Aged Inventory to Open Quotes

  • Objective: 
    • Review your Aged Inventory report in the Ascend client.  What bikes have been sitting in the shop for an extended period?  Inform customers with open quotes containing matching or similar bikes about the ones you have in stock.  
  • Filters: 
    • Quote Date: All
    • Bike Category: Filter to the category of bike(s) you have in stock.
  • Communication template:
    • Note:
      • Before contacting customer, look up the quote and customer in Ascend and check for notes. Also discuss with the salesperson on the quote
    • Subject: 
      • Back in stock alert: Your bike awaits you, [Name] 🚲
    • Body: 
      • We’re excited to let you know that the bike you’ve been waiting for is now back in stock! We now have [bike model names] in your size available in-store. We’d love to get you out on that bike riding soon! Feel free to stop by. We’d love to help! 

Quote Play 2: Contact Open Quotes That Need Closing

  • Objective:
    • Remind customers who had been interested in improving their ride why they came to you in the first place.
  • Filters:
    • Sort by Finish Date (click the Finish Date column header to have the Quotes that have been open the longest display on top.
    • Personalize the experience more by using the Created By filter.
      • Type in part of a teammate's name and hit the magnifying glass.
      • The listed Quotes will now all have been handled by that teammate.
      • They can either use the tool themselves and contact the customers they spoke with or you can export the list so that they can do so in the future.
        • To export the list, click More Options[…] on the top right of the list of quotes.
        • Choose Export data
        • Choose Data with current layout
        • Hit Export
  • Communication template:
    • Subject: 
      • Hey, [Name]!  We'd love to get you that [insert product here] you were looking at!
    • Body: 
      • This is [Your Name] from [Your Shop Name}.  It was a pleasure talking with you back in [date created month/year]!  [Add any personal notes you added to the customer or transaction record to show you remember them].  We'd love to get you back in the shop and help improve your ride with the [product(s) on Quote] or anything else you're interested in.  Feel free to reach out whenever you have time.  Thanks!



While we provide general guidance on utilizing your data, you are responsible for using these tools in accordance with your local laws.  We are not responsible for any misuse.  In other words, the tools provide you with a list of customers based on your data, but you are responsible for making sure you have the appropriate permission to contact the customers and for contacting consumers in an appropriate way.  Non-compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and other data protection laws can result in significant penalties and legal costs (and a crummy customer experience). If you have any questions about responsible data handling, please consult with a legal professional.